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China's First Woman Flier Here to Take Part in Patriotic Pageant
Ultimate victory over Japan for General Chiang Kai-Shek and his armies was predicted in New Orleans Monday by petite Lee Ya-Ching, China's first woman flier. 
The aviatrix, who can also boast of having appeared in the movies with Dorothy Lamour in a two-second scene, arrived here Monday to participate tonight in the patiotic pageant, "It's Fun to Be Free," now being shown at the St. Charles theater.
Seated in her room at the Bienville hotel, Miss Lee spoke with glowing eyes of the courage of the Chinese army and said "they have been doing a wonderful job for the past four years."
Naturally, she said, she wants to do everything she can to help and that is why she flies from city to city in behalf of the United China Relief. She is looking forward to seeing Anna May Wong, Chinese movie actress, who will appear on the program with her tonight and who has worked with her for China relief. 
Miss Lee said her family is in Kong-Kong, that she hasn't heard from them since war started, and that she's "plenty worried" about them. Her father, she said, always encouraged her to do things for her native land and because of his encouragement she devoted years to promoting aviation in China. 
The Oriental flier was educated in Switzerland and England and took her advanced flight training in San Francisco in 1935. Between 1935 and 1939, when she returned to this country, she promoted the cause of aviation in China.

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