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Varied Groups Aid Red Cross in Spread Vital Message
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Pictured on Defense Day was the above group which includes, from left to right: Mrs. Duncan Harris, a director of the center; Major William Bolton, who represented Major General Irving Philipson, Commandant of the Second Corps Area; Major General Clifford R. Powell, who represented Lieutenant General Hugh Drum, Commander of the First Army, and Lieutenant Colonel Howard R. Yocum, aide to General Powell.

Mr. Clifton Webb makes a donation to the Red Cross War Fund. In behalf of the Red Cross Miss Mady Christians accepts. Both were among the large group of celebrities present on Theatre Day at the center.

Two representatives of China show interest in the first aid demonstration by two young Americans. In the group to the right, from left to right, are Miss Lee Ya Ching, China's first aviatrix; Miss Jacqueline Sipp, Master Robert Rosenblatt, Mrs. Farn B. Chu and Mrs. George Watson, a director of the center.

Veterans of the First World War are shown to the left, being entertained by the Ladies n Gray on Thursday, January 22, in the Uptown Information Center. To them it brought back memories of the work performed in 1917 and 1918 by members of the Red Cross Hospital and Recreation Corps.

Miss Nedda Harrigan has a bandage placed around her ankle by Miss Susan Gwinnett during the observance of Theatre Day.

A parade through the street, around the Uptown Information Center, preceded the Defense Rally held on Saturday, January 4. Above is a view of the parade as it moved along the sidewalk on Madison Avenue. Speakers at the rally emphasized the importance of all citizens aiding and all organizations cooperating in the nation's civilian defense program.

Below are shown two views of the crowds which daily watched the various demonstrations and exhibitions taking place in the windows of the Red Cross Uptown Information Center.