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FEBRUARY 8, 1942
[[illegible]] rain pelt pedestrians struggling -covered window at 60 E. 42nd which suffered a knockout by the wind. Despite high velocity degree of which was censored for military reasons, the storm claimed only one victim.  (Mirror)

Mudslide Rescue
Firemen and rescue workers form a human chain to pull stretcher-borne Thomas Hill up a hillside after he was crushed between two houses and injured by a mudslide in the Sunnyside section of San Francisco. A huge slide on the coast city's Mount Davidson has already destroyed five homes and was moving 400 feet an hour. [[/caption]] 

Drill Time for Coast Guard 'Greenies'
[[3 images]]
(These photos have been shown to U. S. Navy authorities and have been officially approved for publication.)
(All Mirror Photos)
The first step in acquainting Coast Guard trainees with their new roles is to give them an ample taste of the sea they'll see so much of. Here, they row dories through heavy off-shore surf.

A squad of Guardsmen watch as instructors wig-wag a flag-signalling lesson, part of their 3-months' course. Strategy forbids giving name of station.

Trainees show how thoroughly they've mastered lessons by beaching a dory through heavy surf, a good trick for experienced men. The service, now a Navy arm, has greatly increased number of training posts to fill war needs.