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Must Maintain 2-Party Setup

Wright Attacks Brooks' Voting Record During Early Morning Speech

  Chicago, April 11 - (INS) - U. S. Senator C. Wayland Brooks, campaigning for renomination on the Republican ticket, today was on record with a declaration that the two-party system must be preserved, despite the pressure of war.
"There must be greater and increased concentration of the war effort, and this will have first claim on the attention of every loyal American citizen," he told an Elgin audience last night.
"But it is also important for you to be loyal Republicans, to keep the two-party system alive during the war so that American people can be sure of the opportunity to speak their minds and express their views," he continued.
"While our sons fight for freedom at the far ends of the seven seas, we will maintain it at home."
Senator Brooks came to Chicago to wind up a campaign which will end with the primary election next Tuesday. Candidates for state legislative posts and for 26 congressional seats, as well as the senatorship, will be determined in the voting.
Wright Speaks Early
State Treasurer Warren Wright, opposing Brooks for the Republican senatorial nomination, delivered an early morning radio address today, attacking Brooks' record on farm legislation.
"There have been 17 roll calls in the senate on farm legislation, and your present senator wasn't there seven times out of those 17," Wright declared, referring to the period from Jan. 5 to March 14.
Both Democrats Active
On the Democratic side, Both Alderman Paul H. Douglas of Chi-

of help in the Philippines and America, and they knew it, but they only fought harder. 
The men of Bataan have done all that human beings could do to the limits of endurance. They were sustained every day of their fight by something more than physical strength.
They had faith that was unconquerable and they were conquered physically only when they could not stand up and fight any more.
I knew the men out in Bataan, and I knew they were thinking of their people and their country and of freedom and dignity and pride. It was no ordinary fight.
The Americans and Filipinos fought as long as they did only on their courage and fortitude, not on food and ammunition.
The Americans fought for everything they loved, as did the Filipinos with their fierce love of liberty.
The Japanese, in the pride of their power and their triumph, can hardly credit our troops with less than the courage and fortitude of their own best.
Fought Bravely, Bitterly
The Americans and Filipinos fought bravely and bitterly. Their endurance was almost superhuman. They stood up without flinching under hopeless odds. 
The decision had to come. The Americans and Filipinos fought for an unshakeable, undefeatable faith, but they were flesh and not steel. In such a fight as this flesh must yield at last endurance must melt away and the end of the battle must come. Bataan has fallen but its spirit stands, a beacon to liberty-loving peoples of the world.

Few Contests to Spur Primary Vote Tuesday
(Continued from Preceding Page)
understood that I am indorsing no other candidate for the legislature."
Cooper's withdrawal leaves the following in the race: David Hunter, Jr., incumbent; Herman G. Nelson, Kames M. White, D. O. Davision, Robert R. Canfield, William C. Bell and George T. Liddell.
On the Democratic side State 

Chinese Woman Pilot in City to Aid Fund Drive

Fifty million people, driven from their homes in the seacoast cities of China in five years of unceasing warfare, look to the United States for relief, Lee Ya-Ching declared here today.
Lee Ya-Ching, very attractive and personable, is the first Chinese woman to win a pilot's license in her homeland, said the situation in China was indeed desperate.
In Rockford to campaign for the United China Relief fund she outlined a few reasons why the campaign to raise $7,000,000 in this country is so vital to China's very existence:
A tenth of China's population or 50,000,000 men, women and children are homeless...doctors and nurses are and clothing are needed.
Contributions received in the campaign will be used to alleviate conditions. With the money, China also will be able to train more men and women for medical work and the country's educational program will be expanded.
"Although China and Japan have been at war for five years, China's morale continues on the highest standard, Lee Ya-Ching said.
"America is our ally, and with your inexhaustible equipment and our inexhaustible man power, Japan will be defeated in a short time," she said.
The Chinese aviatrix arrived in Rockford this forenoon, coming here from Minneapolis. She traveled by automobile. Her airplane is quartered in New York City.
Rockford's quota in the United China Relief drive totals $12,000. The one-week campaign opens tomorrow.

Claim Japs to Launch 4 New Plane Carriers

London, April 11 - (AP) - The Paris radio broadcast a Domei dispatch from Tokio today that four new aircraft carriers soon would be put into service with the Japanese
