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Manager and Labor Confer Today on Aid to Local War Chest

One of Miss Lee's outstanding accomplishments while she was still in her teens was a barnstorming trip by government plane which covered thousands of miles throughout China for the purpose of making young men of her country air-minded. Prior to that exploit, she has learned to fly in this country, in California. She became an involuntary member of the famous Caterpillar Club, composed of aviators who have been compelled to bail out while in flight. She attained membership one day while on an instruction flight over San Francisco bay. The story is that she fell out of the plane while it was being flown upside down by her instructor. Her parachute landed her safely in the bay. 

When Miss Lee talks about the sufferings and hardships of her people in China she knows whereof she speaks. She was engaged in hospital works in Shanghai when the Japs took over. She managed to escape to Canton and continue her work. Subsequently she came to this country. 

At tonight's meeting in the Library a group of Chest trustees, under the leadership of Howard Biddulph, vice-president of the Howard Savings Institution of Newark, will act as ushers. Lawrence J. Vail, superintendent (Continued on page 3, Section 1)

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Famous Chinese Aviatrix to Speak at Two Meetings

Two important meetings of Bloomfield Community- War Ches groups are scheduled for today with Miss Lee Ya Ching, attractive, talented Chinese aviatrix, as the principal speaker at both.

Miss Lee is scheduled to arrive in Bloomfield at noon from the New York offices of the United China Relief Committee to talk at a luncheon meeting in the Glen Ridge Country Club to representa-

[[image of Lee Ya Ching]]

Le Ya Ching

tives of management and labor of Bloomfield's industrial plants. Walter Kidde, president of Walter Kidde & Company, will be host at the luncheon which has been ar-ranged to give emphasis and vigor to the forthcoming campaign to attain an $89,850 goal of $7,500 a month in 1943 for local and war relief agency purposes. 

At 8 o'clock tonight Miss Lee will talk at a meeting in the Library auditorium under the auspices of the Chest's preliminary gift committee of which Miss Mildred F. Stone is chairman. Two hundred invitations to the evening meeting have been sent out to the trustees of the Chest and others who make their contributions to the Chest prior to the opening of the house-to-house canvass, Octo-ber 16-26.

Following the luncheon meeting at the Glen Ridge club today, Miss Lee will be given an opportunity to view some of Bloomfield's war plants and prior to the evening meeting will be the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pliny Boyd of 30 Clarendon place. Mrs. Boyd is a member of the preliminary gifts committee and Mr. Boys is treas-urer of the Chest. Included as dinner guests will be Miss Stone and Miss Elsa Schumacher, executive secretary of the Chest.

In he rearly 20's, Miss Lee has seen much of the world- much of it a bird's-eye view as she sat at the controls of a plane. Since her arrival in this country from China she has flown more than 50,000 miles keeping speaking engagements in behalf of those in China who are relying on aid from the United States. United China Relief has been allocated a $3,000 quota in the Bloomfield Community War Chest.