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York County War and Welfare Fund NEWS -- Advertising Supplement to The Gazette and Daily
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These men of Uncle Sam's Navy are but five of the nation's many troops-in-transit to find a home-away-from-home waiting for them in the USO lounges at America's railway stations and bus terminals. These lounges are outfitted with furniture and appointments provided by local citizen committees of USO and in them soldier, sailor, and marine can rest, read and play the radio between trains. USO's troops-in-transit service is one of six special functions assumed at the request of the War and Navy Departments, over and above the original program for clubs near encampments and training stations. USO's six component agencies are the Young Men's Christian Associations, the National Catholic Community Service, the Salvation Army, the Young Women's Christian Associates, the Jewish Welfare Board and the National Travelers Aid Association.

Hungry Poland Fights Back
Struggle For Liberty Conducted By Starving, Homeless Poles. Exiles In Switzerland And France Need Food, Clothing, Medical Supplies
Poland, although occupied, is not conquered. Polish soldiers and civilians fearlessly continued their struggle for the liberty of the world. But Poland is desperately in need of help. Ragged, starving, cold, homeless, tortured and persecuted, the suffering Poles lift their hands to you for some measure of comfort and consolation. These people can be helped only if you give your money.
Perhaps you may ask "Why Should I Give For Polish War Relief?" We will tell you why.
Poland has made and is still making an outstanding contribution towards winning this war for freedom. Although the Poles knew their military resistance could not last long against Germany, they nevertheless resisted, thus giving their British allies much needed time for military preparations. Polish troops today guard the Scottish coast. Polish fliers in the R.A.F. have taken part in the defense of Britain and in the bombing raids over Germany. Today the Polish government in exile has the largest active army of the governments in exile, approximately 3,000,000 seasoned soldiers in action wherever resistance is being made to the Nazis. Right now 200,000 Polish soldiers, who fought for your freedom as well as their own, are starving in German prison camps...AND WILL DIE WITHOUT YOUR HELP!
The people of Poland are so effectively sabotaging the German supplies in Poland that 25 divisions of Nazi troops are tied up there...troops that Hitler could use to great advantage elsewhere.
In America there are some 5,000,000 citizens of Polish descent, who, while contributing their full share to the Red Cross, U.S.O., War Bonds, and the other war efforts of all Americans, have, at the same time, been bearing the burden of relief to Polish war victims all over the world, deeming it their responsibility to care for people of their own blood.
Now the demands have become too great, and they must ask for help. If this help is generously given, there will result a greater understanding among all people in America, and therefrom will spring that feeling of greater unity which we must have to win the war and to build a finer and greater America when peace and victory come. 
And if you believe that there is no field for Polish War Relief because the Nazi oppressors in occupied Poland allow no relief to reach the suffering population, listen to this. There are 15,000 Polish soldiers interned in Switzerland who are dependent in part on outside aid. There are 30,000 Polish refugees and internees in occupied France who are desperately in need of the bare necessities of life. There are 500 Polish orphans in France who could find sanctuary in America if there were funds to bring them here. There are 2,000,000 Polish eviles in Russia who lack food, clothing, even shelter, and are in desperate need of hospital supplies and medicines to fight epidemics. Add to these the countless other Polish refugees scattered throughout the world and you reach this astounding fact: Today there are approximately Three Million Polish People outside the boundaries of Poland itself whose very existence is dependent on charity as a result of this war.
When Germany attacked Poland there was no quibbling...Poland fought! Now the brave Poles need our help...let there be no quibbling now...LET US GIVE!

This Time It's For Both
Drawn by Elmer Messner-- Courtesy Cleveland Plain Dealer For 1942-43 Community and War Chest Campaigns

Victory Begins at Home--Give to York County War and Welfare Fund

Family Welfare Presents A.W.O.L.'s
The spirit and determination of our fighting forces depend in part on the confidence that all will be well at home. Letters from home reflect the welfare of the family and of the community. All of the troubles that can occur in the family of an industrial worker can occur in the family of a soldier at the front and can affect military morale even to the point of "AWOL" or desertion. On the other hands, familiar local institutions, on hand and ready when needed, bolster the spirit of the family and consequently of the men in the armed forces. Along with the church and school, hospitals, nursery services, settlements, travelers aid, family service, boys clubs, Y's, and other social agencies occupy important places on the list of these familiar institutions.
Our fighting men depend also on evidence of support from home, not only in planes and tanks and guns and submarines, but also in the opportunities for recreation extended by the civilian population in communities where service men spend their hours of leave.

Food Reaches Bombed Areas
Britain War Relief Sends Mobile Kitchens To Blitzed Britain. Aid Needed For Refugees Of All Nationalities Fleeing To England
All of the persecuted and heroic peoples who have come to grief in this disastrous war, deserve all the help and support we can give them. However, on account of our common tongue, England seems a little nearer than some of the others. In fact, she is nearer, and collaboration between the United States and Great Britain is an indispensable condition to our hopes for a secure future. 
We shall never be able to discharge our indebtedness to the RAF, or to the Armies and Navies of Britain and the Dominions for their heroism in holding the enemy virtually alone for nearly a year after France fell. England has the misfortune to be much too close for comfort to the Nazi madhouse, and the Luftwaffe's devastation affects all British people. But the chief effect seems to be a toughening up of morale and courage and the will to hold out, do the beset thing at the moment, and eventually win through.
The British War Relief Society, Inc., is asking $7,500,000 for its work in 1942, and there is no doubt whatever that this sum will be needed, for the many phases of civilian relief. A brief summary shows the American Ambulance Service, which goes to all parts of England, Scotland, and Wales; Mobile Kitchens, 941 of them now in operation, all in constant readiness to carry hot food and drink to bombed areas; supplies of clothing of all sorts for adults and children; Nursery Homes and Day Nurseries for small children, hostels for "difficult" children; Air Raid Relief Equipment of all sorts; an Emergency Fund, held in readiness to aid wherever the enemy strikes, which covers Australia and New Zealand; grants for war work to established British agencies and hospitals, orphanages, many of which could not have held up without our assistance; Merchant Navy Clubs and Union Jack Clubs on this side of the Atlantic.
It must also be especially noted that the work of the British War Relief Society is not limited to British sufferers alone. Help of all kinds has been available to the large number of people of the various conquered countries who now find refuge in Great Britain, to the Poles, Norwegians, Dutch, Czechs, Free French, Belgians, and other groups, without distinction as to race, class, or religion. The finest compliment received from Europe is the report that none of the Society's gifts or grants have been looked upon by their recipients as charity. Whether they be Britons or refugees from the continent, they look upon all of the Society's services and supplies as "gifts from American friends."
When the war in Europe was just brewing, it was often called a "war of boredom" or a war that was in some ways rather ridiculous. Funny jokes and motion pictures were made about it. More or less suddenly it be-came anything but funny. Now there seems to be a trend to re-turn to the making fun of dictators, to make monkeys out of dictators who have no sense of humor, and in that way under-mine whatever they use for morale. This one specifically about England is especially apt:
Hitler went Paris after the fall of France, and visited, with great pomp and ceremony, the tomb of Napoleon. He saluted the tomb, and shouted "heil Hitler! Before you stand the conqueror of Europe!" "Have you conquered England?" said a ghostly voice from the tomb. "No, not yet" said Hitler a little dubiously. "Then come down here" commanded the voice, "and lie beside me." 

Secretary of War
"Personnel of the Army and all other community or private organizations under the super-vision or control of the War Department wish to do their share as American citizens in supporting these American charitable organizations and United Service Organizations in lending a helping hand to the people with whom the nation is Allied."

President, American Federation of Labor
"The fact that we are in a great changes mean that new and important responsibilities will fall upon community agencies for meeting the needs of the people of the community. Hardships will fall unexpectedly and persons without the stabilizing influences of home may change from community to community doing war work. To meet such needs we look to community welfare organizations, so it is absolutely necessary to respond generously to the support of your local com-munity chest. I hope that all citizens including the wage earners will respond generously to the annual appeal for funds for this essential agency."

Social Hygiene
By educational, medical, and legal measures, the American Social Hygiene Association helps to find, treat, and prevent syphilis and gonorrhea among the armed forces, war industrial workers, and the general population.

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