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Page 4   York County War and Welfare Fund NEWS --- Advertising Supplement to The Gazette and Daily 

Polish Children At Refuge Canteen

Heroic Greeks Face Starvation 
Daily Death Rate In Athens Rises To 500. Mercy Ships Must be Equipped 
No other nation has contributed more in proportion to its size to our coming victory than Greece. The Greeks were the first to drive out the invader and fight him in his own territory. Their victory over Italy was the first turning point in the war. Their resistance to Hitler delayed his Russian invasion; probably prevented an attempt to invade Syria; and gave us valuable time to prepare. 
Greece is still in the war! The Greek Army and Air Force are battling in Egypt. The Greek Navy fights on the Mediterranean and Indian Oceans. More than a million tons of Greek shipping carry war cargoes for the United Nations on the seven seas. 
But at home the families of these fighting Greeks are starving. Already thousands of men, women, and little children have died of hunger and of disease and exposure which hunger has robbed them of strength to resist. 
In Athens and Piraeus the daily death rate (normally 40) rose during the past winter to an average of more than 500. Seven of every eight persons depend upon the daily plate of soup and piece of bread given in the public soup kitchens. Trucks and pushcarts go about nights and mornings removing the bodies of those who have fallen on the streets.
Fortunately, we can send help. Even though Greece is occupied, food can be and has been shipped there and distributed among the hungry. More of this life-saving food can be and MUST be shipped, that Greece---our valiant and effective ally--- may live and fight on!
A nation-wide campaign is being conducted by the Greek War Relief Association to meet the expenses of large-scale shipments of foodstuffs and medicines to Greece. This campaign offers to all Americans an opportunity to take part in a program which will mean life instead of death to the Greeks. 
Conditions in Greece, frightful as they are, would be far worse had not the Association been able, through international agreements, to ship food into the country, beginning last October. The soup kitchens in Athens and Piraeus have depended wholly upon these shipments. During one period last winter when a shipment could not be effected, the daily death rate rose to 1700.
The outstanding achievement of the Association is bound up in the fact that after sympathetic consideration of its appeals by the British and American governments, and after months of negotiations, international agreements were finally effected by which food could be shipped into Greece and distributed to the famine victims. 
The present campaign of the Association is being conducted under the grim pressure of the knowledge that life and death are in the balance for a gallant people.
To help send Mercy Ships to Greece is to save human lives, to promote the morale of the Greek fighting forces, and to hasten the day of the victory in which the Greeks are so gloriously entitled to share!
With the help of the American people, through contributions large and small, Greece will live--- Greece will fight on!

Admiral E.J. King U.S.N.
Commander-in-Chief U.S. Fleet 
"In time of peace the people of this country have contributed regularly to community chests for the benefit of their less fortunate fellow men and women. This year we find ourselves at war, with many additional problems, and with a large number of men away from home. Contributions now will have a direct effect on our war effort because any fighting man is a better fighting man if he knows his family will not be allowed to suffer during his absence. I am confident that the American people will realize that we cannot afford to leave any weak points on the home front and their contributions will be accordingly liberal."

Healthy Workers Build Two Ships A Day
"Our victory program encompasses an army of five to ten millions, the largest navy in the worlds history, building two ships daily to carry food and supplies, a tank every seven minutes, a plane every four minutes, a vast food-growing and food-manufacturing program.
"American men and women must be strong and healthy and of high morale to do this amazing job. Every case of sickness, every accident, every shortage, every delay handicaps our war effort. Thus every force, influence and condition which threatens or injures the American people is a blow against our chance for victory." ---Lieutenant - Governor Charles Poletti of New York.
The fact that this man is total war, that every man, woman and child in America, is involved in the final strength and efficiency of the nation makes social and health services essential.
It many be an extra bomber made by extra man hours, or a mind relieved of worry which will contribute to the final victory. And these may be supplied by the action of a social worker, a nurse or a doctor in the service of a welfare chest agency. 
Will Win the War 
Throw Your Scrap Into the Fight

History Need Not Repeat Itself
Oven [Over] Seven Million Man Days Were Lost During Last War Because Of Venereal Diseases
During the last World War 7,004,818 man days were lost by the armed forces of the United States as a result of venereal diseases. Its hard to believe, isn't it? But its true! The Army, the Navy, the Public Health Service and the American Social Hygiene Association are doing everything within their power to prevent a repetition of these losses. 
By means of movies, lectures, literature, the men are educated to the dangers of syphilis and gonorrhea. They have the benefit of medical corps, prophylactic stations, regular physical examinations and always the assurance of adequate treatment in cases of infection. Invaluable assistance is being given by experienced, voluntary health agencies like the American Social Hygiene Association and recreation agencies like the United Service Organizations, Inc.
But what about the industrial worker--- the man and woman whose health and efficiency are vital to the nations defense effort? Less dramatic but even more serious than the threat to armed forces is the danger of the spread of syphilis and gonorrhea among defense industry workers and in turn to their families and the whole civilian population.
Broken family ties, crowded housing, prostitution, inadequate medical facilities favor the spread of venereal diseases which in turn cost millions of dollars in lost time, inefficiency, labor replacement and accidents. Not so easily measured but certainly no less important are the suffering and misery caused by these crippling and killing diseases. 
Many industrial, labor and community leaders recognize the seriousness of syphilis and gonorrhea among industrial workers and with the Associations help are beginning to meet this challenge. Some need and want fact and help which the Association by reason of its trained staff and long experience is qualified to give.
The association will not relax its efforts to combat the spread of syphilis and gonorrhea among the armed forces because that is still a serious threat and demand attention of a voluntary agency free from red tape and legal limitations. But it must now give more and more emphasis to the protection of the industrial workers--- especially the hundreds of thousands of men and women who man the essential war industries. Experience over a long period, as well as work in many sections of the country during recent months, proves beyond question that the American Social Hygiene Association's plan is practical and effect- [effective?}
More intensive work must be done and done quickly; but more work can only be done as funds are given to implement this program. Your gift, large or modest, will help protect soldiers, sailors and defense workers from venereal disease, prevent the loss of millions of dollars as the result of wasted time and inefficiency, and save thousands of innocent families from the ravages of syphilis and gonorrhea. Your gift will be a great help... your gift will help to protect you and your family.

Franklin D. Roosevelt
'Unity of purpose and unity of action on all fronts are essential to win the war. They are essential in our responsibility for social welfare. A community war fund is a demonstration of this unity and is united into one annual appeal for long-time service, represented by community chests. Services rendered to our own men and women in the fighting forces by the U.S.O. special local hospitality activities, are material evidence of our desire to aid the valiant peoples allied with us in all parts of the world." 

Mercy Ships Offer Hope For Starving Greeks
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Mercy ships from America, bearing life-giving grain and medicines, offer to many thousands of men, women and children in Greece their only hope of preservation.
Reliable reports assert that practically everyone in Greece exists on the verge of starvation. Last winter, in Athens in Piraeus, the daily death rate, normally 40, rose to more than 500. Victims are falling on the streets. Seven out of eight persons now must depend upon the food shipped into the country for distribution through soup kitchens. Elsewhere in Greece conditions are almost as bad.

Victory Begins At Home--- but--- Suffering is World-Wide--- Give All You