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York County War and Welfare Fund NEWS - Advertising Supplement to The Gazette and Daily 
Page 5

Russian Civilians Are Hard Hit BY Nazis
A collective farm family gathers in front of the charred ruins of their home. The grim imprint of war is reflected in the unsmiling faces of the children, stolidly watching their mother wipe away a tear. Collective farm areas have particularly suffered from the invasions and relief supplies sent by Russian War Relief, Inc. are desperately needed to keep families like this one together and alive.

U.S.O Boosts Solders' Morale

Funds Drastically Needed for Gigantic Task To Serve Army Of Seven And A Half Million.

The U.S.O is the heartbeat of every man in our armed forces. It is the one service that keeps up the morale of our boys away from home and keeps their spirits alive throughout the country. This organization provides the educational, recreational and religious services and facilitates for the armed forces, in communities in United States, and leased outposts near camps and naval stations, and to a limited extent, in war industry communities.

With a potential army of 7 1/2 million men you can readily see that the need for $32,000,000 for a so important cause is a very small amount to carry on this work.

The USO carries on its functions in two general ways: first, to some extent, through its own organization of officers and employees: and second and chiefly, through other organizations originally united to form the USO and are its constituent members. These organizations are herein called "agencies." Certain other organizations, such as USO-Camp Shows, Inc., were created to perform particular types of services for USO, or were already in existence to perform services which USO wished to have continued or expended for the benefit of men of the armed forces, but which it did not wish to undertake directly. The American Social Hygiene Association, the American Merchant Seaman's Library Association, and the Victory Book Campaign are examples. With the exception of minor amounts granted to special organizations, which the last named are examples, funds are not granted or allotted or contributed to agencies or other organizations as such. The USO determines what work it wants done, assigns the task to an agency or organization or does it itself if it is work at overseas bases, determines what expense it is willing to authorize for the task, provides the funds for the task and supervises the performance of these tasks and the accounting for expenditures. It pays for services it asks to have performed, including payment for overhead and administration of the work.

As already stated, new services have been added from time to time, new organizations used, and all services rapidly expanded so that a statement of the distribution of accumulated expenses for the past year has little significance in showing how USO is now operating. 

With your help, the USO wishes to raise $32,000,000 in order to continue the tasks they are doing which are so necessary at this time.

The length of this article prevents our giving the complete functions of the USO. But it is not difficult for you to realize what the morale of the boys in our armed services would be if they were not given the opportunity to partake in a well planned program for their education, recreation and religious development. When the men and boys are away from home in strange cities it is easy to realize that they need guide in their actions, and health recreational facilities. The USO does this and therefore is the backbone of the morale for our armed forces.

Local U.S.O. Work Important
The York County Committee of U.S.O. is doing a local job for the armed forces, which has not been given the recognition it deserves.

Hundreds of York's men and women have been donating generously of their time and talent. The local U.S.O. has the official responsibility for providing entertainment at the New Cumberland Induction center. Each Monday night an entertainment of some kind is presented. Twice each month 100 York girls and 10 hostesses go to the center for dancing under the supervision of the Special Service officer's of the camp.

The Committee has information headquarters at the Victory house and a hospitality booth at the railroad station. Free meals and lodging is provided all men in uniform at the expense of the committee.

Restaurants and hotels are providing these services at cost or less. The Y.M.C.A. makes no charge for lodging, a bath or a swim.

A U.S.O room is open at Brooks Hotel where cookies and cigarettes are furnished over week-ends. The York police serve as the agents of the U.S.O. during the night directing men to free lodging and free meals.

Thousands of Greek mothers have watched their children die of starvation. Without food or medicine they could do nothing but wait for the death that would be more merciful than life. In one month in Athens, out of every ten children born, only one survived.

The Greek War Belief Association, 730 Fifth Avenue, New York City, now has the full support and approval of the British and American Governments for a program calling for the shipment of 15,000 tons of foodstuffs monthly to relieve the tragic conditions in Greece. The International Red Cross supervises the distribution, with guarantees that it reaches only the Greeks.

President, C .I. O.
"The National CIO committee for American and Allied War Relief has negotiated an agreement with the National Association of Community Chests and Councils for our systematic participation in the Community War Chests. CIO will not fail the nation's need on any front. Just as we are working for victory in the shops and mills and offices, and fighting for freedom in the armed forces wherever battle is joined, so we are giving to meet our full share of responsibility to those in need. Therefore I endorse the war chest campaigns and urge your all-out participation through the National CIO Committee for American and Allied War Relief."

Aid To Allies Will Win The Peace
Every bit of support which we give to our allies and they give to us not only to win the war, but to create the spirit of cooperation and good neighborliness which will help to win the peace. Thus American communities are supporting such war relief organizations as the British, China and Russian war relief societies. 

A United Community Defeat Hitler, Hirohito
A new equipment of war has been created throughout the nation. In York it is known as the York War and Welfare Fund. It is being used now to reinforce the striking power of this community.

On the Home Front-Where Victory Begins
Where not a man hour can be lost on the production line because of anxiety, ill health or family breakdown which welfare chest agencies can prevent or remedy. Where we must correct and prevent the recurrence of conditions that have deprived our army of a certain percent of its potential manpower.
Where we must keep our company a fit place in which to live. Unmet human needs, indifference and neglect can rob victory of its meaning.
Where our social and health agencies must be ready to render emergency service in case of enemy attack.

On the Military Front-Where The Fight Must Be Won
Where not a soldier or sailor can be allowed to lose determination of fighting spirit through lack of confidence in the ability of established institutions to serve and care for his loved ones.
Where every day our fighting men are relying on the hospitality of the USO.

On the Fronts of Our Allies
Where our mercy and sympathy, extended through our agencies for foreign war relief, are helping to keep them alive and fighting.
"Our war and welfare fund represents the citizens of this community, united to conserve our time, energy, manpower, and financial resources in a single campaign for all of these purposes. It represents an important battle of this war which has to be fought and won right here at home-a battle which Hitler and Hirohito would delight in seeing us lose.

War Fund Gifts Are Tax Exempt

Gifts Up To 15% Of Net Income Are Deductible From Income Tax Report

In these days of greatly increased taxes, a matter of importance that should be recognized by all taxpayers is the deductibility for income tax purposes of all contributions made to charitable organizations. The organizations to benefit from the proceeds of the current Welfare Federation drive are all embraced in this category since the funds received by them are all used for the promotion of welfare and similar charitable purposes.

In considering contributions to the Joint War Relief and Welfare Fund embracing most of our worthiest local charitable organizations as well as U.S.O. and the major war relief agencies, it must be remembered that Congress has recognized since the imposition of the first Income Tax in 1913 that these organizations have mostly been developed and maintained not by public funds but by private contributions of money and property and private initiative. From the beginning it has been the policy of the taxing authorities to foster and encourage the charities by exempting contributions to them from Income Tax. 

An individual is entitled to deduct for contributions as much as 15% of net income, which, in effect, reduces by the amount contributed, the net income on which the total tax is computed. It thus follows that amounts given to the Welfare Federation do not represent, in full, a reduction in spendable income, since a high percentage of the amount, if not contributed, would be paid out in taxes in any event; the percentage that would be paid in taxes depending solely on the surtax bracket in which the next income falls.

It should be further noted that a husband and wife wiling a joint return as regarded as a single taxpayer. They may contribute as much as 15% of their total combined income, and are not limited to this percentage of the separate net income of the spouse making the contribution.

The saving involved in income taxes is from 19% to 88% of the amount contributed, depending upon the amount of taxable net income. Therefore, from 19c to 88c out of every dollar contributed would not be spendable income in any event, the amount depending entirely upon the size of your income. When you are asked to give to the Welfare Federation, it should be remembered that you are supporting a very worthy cause, and also taht [[that]] the total amount given does not actually represent that much less spendable money as far as you are concerned.

They are too young to know where America is but American funds come to their rescue when their homes are destroyed. The British War Relief Society is largely responsible for the operation of nearly [[400?]] hostels for children and the aged.

Can to the York County War and Welfare Fund-November 16-24th