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Transportation Officials Look for Heaviest Christmas Rush in History.

With thousands of men in the armed forces throughout New England expected to be given furloughs over the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays, transportation officials said yesterday that they expected the heaviest travel in history.

Pointing out that the Office of Defense Transportation had ruled out extra trains or sections during these rush periods, the New Haven Railroad appealed to all civilians to refrain from any but absolutely necessary riding during the holidays.

Although ODT officials, as early as last May, were drafting plans for the opening of non-essential travel by [[text cut off]] bus or airplane by permitting the sale of tickets only to those civilians who could prove a "need to travel", no such restrictions have been put into effect.

Expect "Almost Anything"
New England Transportation expects almost anything" during the rush, Clark V. Wood, superintendent said last night. But, he [[text cut off]] he knows of no plans for "ra[[text cut off]]g" rides or other drastic move. [[text cut off]] the busses would operate as [[text cut off]] and "just wonder what is going to happen."

Meanwhile, Harold G. Morris, vice [[text cut off]] ent of the UER, told members of the Lions Club at the Biltmore [[text cut off]] yesterday that sharply in-[[text cut off]]d daily traffic and a lack of [[text cut off]]ment may force the UER to make drastic changes in the riding [[text cut off]]s of the public.

Among the possibilities, he said, removal of seats from vehicles make every inch of space available for standees; permitting war [[text cut off]]ers only to ride during certain [[text cut off]]s, in which cars will not stop for passengers close to the downtown [[text cut off]] and installation of "stand-sit [[text cut off]]" in which you neither stand or sit, but just lean back.

He said that "plans for group riding must be encouraged" and improved because of the tremendous advantage not only in aiding the transportation problem, but also in the conservation of tires and gasoline.

Group Riding Progresses
Frederick W. Aldred, chairman of the transportation committee of the [[text cut off]] Planning and Traffic Board [[text cut off]] last night that his committee [[text cut off]] making steady progress in es [[text cut off]]ing group riding. He said approximately 125 of the 165 [[text cut off] the city with 100 or more [[text cut off]] were co-operating, and [[text cut off]] others were expected to join [[text cut off]] soon. 
[[text cut off]] said that the UER expects [[text cut off]] of 20 more busses which, [[text cut off]], the Government may seize [[text cut off]] time, in January. Thirty [[text cut off]] trolleys ordered last January [[text cut off]] just coming in, he said.
[[text cut off]] changes to come he [[text cut off]]
[[text cut off]] will be a lengthening out to reduce vehicle wear and [[text cut off]] better maintenance of [[text cut off]]. Services of convenience [[text cut off]] curtailed and in some in-[[text cut off]] recommended for elimina-[[text cut off]] vehicle loadings gen-[[text cut off]] be necessary.
[[text cut off]] and communities not en-[[text cut off]] essential war work may find [[text cut off]]portation vehicles reduced [[text cut off]] avove off-peak require-[[text cut off]] and the surplus removed [[text cut off]]. School busses are defi-[[text cut off]] the picture for transportation workers." 
V that more and more [[text cut off]] local transportation will [[text cut off]] by the Office of De-[[text cut off]] Transportation.

[[text cut off]] debate about poll taxes, a [[text cut off]] of optimism existed [[text cut off]] our Senators who have [[text cut off]] the fight against the [[text cut off]] 

Point of Order 
[[text cut off]]oxey, Dem., Miss., who [[text cut off]] almost three hours [[text cut off]]ntained that the meas-[[text cut off]] unconstitutional, and [[text cut off]]nate had no right to [[text cut off]] presiding officer [[text cut off]] of the Senate was [[text cut off]] Doxey's point of [[text cut off]] was recessed [[text cut off]].
[[text cut off]] Barkley of [[text cut off]] after the [[text cut off]] with a plan [[text cut off]] A. B. Chandler, a party caucus to 

TRAINS [[text cut off]] BUT 
[[text cut off]] VITAMINS 
[[text cut off]] continues [[text cut off]] Millions of [[text cut off]] by getting [[text cut off]] JOYANA is [[text cut off]] get vitamins.
[[text cut off]] B1, C, D, G 
[[text cut off]] JOYANA [[text cut off]] a medi-[[text cut off]] plain or in [[text cut off]] juices, [[text cut off]]ato juice, [[text cut off]] milk, or [[text cut off]]med milk.
[[text cut off]] YOU MONEY TOO
[[text cut off]] 49 cents
[[text cut off]] can bears [[text cut off]]eeping seal [[text cut off]]

Filibuster Training
[[image 1]]
SENATOR Theodore G. ("The Man") Bilbo of Mississippi uses a throat gargle to toughen up his vocal equipment as he trains for the role of star conversational ball-carrier for Southern Senators in their filibuster against the anti-poll tax bill.

discuss the bill, and pointed out that such a session would "further intensify the division of opinion, and nobody is bound by a caucus anyway."

Soft Answer
(Despite much behind-the-scenes grumbling, Barkley's soft answers to the indignant outpourings of Southern Democrats evidently averted any serious move to divest him of his position as majority leader when the new Congress is organized in January, the Associated Press reported. 

(Senator Tom Connally, Dem., Tex., one of the leaders of a filibustering fight against the bill, told reporters he knew of no movement to displace Barkley. 

(Connally was nominated by Senator Kenneth McKellar's bitter denunciation of Barkley's action last Saturday in sending warrants out for the arrest of eight absent Senators, including McKellar, when a quorum was needed.)


Firms Seek to Recover for Goods Claimed Supplied to Contractors 

Three suits involving payment bonds on war construction projects in Rhode Island were filed in U. S. District Court here today for sums totaling $1373.69. 

Two of the suits, one for $107.22, were brought by the J. T. O'Connell Co. of Providence and Newport against Anthony Torregrossa, doing business as the National Painting Co. of Providence, and the Eagle Indemnity Co. of New York. 

The other, for $560.22, was brought by the Petroleum Supply Co. of Newport against A. Singarella of Boston and the American Bonding Co. of Baltimore. 

Torregrossa held the contract for painting temporary and mobilization buildings at Fort Getty, the complaints said, and was bonded for payment for labor and materials in the amount of $5300 by the Eagle Indemnity Co. The J. T. O'Connell Co., the petitions said, has furnished $813.47 worth of materials for which is has not been paid. 

Singarella had the contract for the construction of buildings and accessories at the Castle Hill Coast Guard Station, Newport, and was bonded for $49,350 by the American Bonding Co., the third complaint said. The Petroleum Supply Co., it continued, has furnished $560.22 worth of materials for which it has not been paid. 

San Diego, Cal., Nov. 19.--(AP)--
The Navy is doing "a whale of a job" in the battle of the Pacific and is not open to criticism by people "in fairly high places," Representative Ed V. Izac, Dem., Cal., said in an interview last night. 

Representative Melvin Maas, Rep., Minn., who like Izac is a member of the powerful House Naval Affairs Committee, recently charged that we are losing the war in the Pacific and that what have been proclaimed victories really were setbacks. 

"The Jap navy is about half gone," Izac said. "It burned me up to see that criticism by Representative Maas. He was out there for a little while and he saw a little bit only. What counts is results. Jap losses have been four times as great as ours in ships, planes and men. 

"We ought to give credit where credit is due. Our navy is doing a real job." 


Columbus, Ga., Nov. 19.--(AP)--
The evenest series for its length in the Southern football history will see its 47th game Saturday when undefeated Georgia and Auburn meet. The series started in 1892 and since that first game, the Bulldogs have won 21, Auburn has won 20 and five were tied. 

Wanted -- Man for general warehouse work. Must be able to meet trade. No age limits. Excellent opportunity for right individual to secure a good permanent position. Box 9122, Journal Office. 

Great News! Buckley's Canadiol on Sale HERE. The First Little Sip of This Great Cough Medicine Forces You To Have Supreme Confidence in It.

Spend a few cents today at King Drug Co., Bilotti & Bilotti Drug Co., McCaffrey-Robinson's Drug Store or any good drug store for a bottle of Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture (triple acting)--Take a couple of doses at bedtime--feel its instant powerful effective action spread thru throat head and bronchial tubes. It starts at once to loosen up thick, choking phlegm--soothe raw membranes and make breathing easier. 

Sufferers find Buckley's gives quick relief from that persistent, nasty, irritating cough due to colds or bronchial irritations. But be sure you get Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture--by far the largest selling cough medicine in cold wintry Canada. Over 12 million bottles sold. 


[[image 2]]
That outrageously flattering collar of lynx-dyed white foxes. All are on Juilliard's virgin wools of duration stamina, with Townley's long-lived coatmaking. Blues, green, red, beige, brown. 9-17.

[[image 3]]


THIS IS NO TIME to Catch Cold
If doing without means winning this war - where's the man who won't deprive himself until it hurts? - But this is no time to neglect your physical well-being.  This year you're going to be exposed to the cold more - this year you're going to do more walking and less riding.  This year you are going to need a warmer overcoat - a more practical overcoat - a more durable overcoat.  Here at Kennedy's we anticipate your needs - here you will find in one great panorama the kind of coats you'll need for the duration - coats that will give you more warmth with a minimum sacrifice of smartness - coats that are light in weight without sacrificing warmth - and coats that will take the abuse of every day duration wear. 

Choose a Kennedy Overcoat
$32.45 $37.50 $45
Others $30-$35-$40-$50-$55-$65-$72.50-$100

Transcription Notes:
[[image 1: Senator Theodore G. Bilbo of Mississippi]] [[image 2: drawing advertisement of woman in coat]] [[image 3: drawing advertisement of man in coat]] How to denote when words are cut off because the page is ripped?