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United War Fund Reports Total of $622,114 in Donations at Third Luncheon

Hazard, Mrs. Houghton Pierce Metcalf
$1500—Citizens Savings Bank.
$1400—Firemen's Mutual Insurance Company, Inc.
$100—Imperial Knife Company, Inc.
$600—Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Company.
$500—Crown Worsted Mills, Inc.; J.J. Newberry & Co., Washington Finance Corporation, Rochambeau Worsted Company, Inc.
Today's luncheon meeting was addressed by Miss Lee Ya-Ching, "China's First Lady of the Air." Miss Lee, now touring the United States in behalf of United China Relief, Inc., a participating agency in the United War Fund, arrived in Providence this morning by plane. She was greeted at the airport by Mrs. G. Pierce Metcalf.
Following her brief talk, in which she appealed for aid to China and lauded the volunteer efforts of the War Fund workers here, Miss Lee returned to New York by train.
Miss Lee, herself a member of the famed Caterpillar Club, those who have been forced to bail out of a disabled plane, is the only woman pilot ever licensed by the Government of China.
The invocation at the luncheon was given by Rev. Harold B. Metzner, minister of the Trinity Union Methodist Church.
Music during the luncheon was played by Earl Shean and his WJAR Orchestra, through special permission of the Musicians' Protective Association, Local 198. "Happy" Stanley was the song leader.

Head Table Guests
The following were seated at the head table:
Allen H. Chatterton, member of the United Campaign of Community Chests' Board of Directors; Mrs. Edward S. Young, chairman of the Central Falls area; Stanley Black, publisher of The Pawtucket Times; Mrs. Robert H. Mitchell, secretary of the Board of Directors of the Pawtucket Community Fund; James P. Brown, president of the Pawtucket Community Fund; Mrs. George R. Ramsbottom, chairman of the Pawtucket hostess committee.
Also Norman A. MacColl, chairman of the Committee on Admissions and Allotments; Mrs. Glen Jackson, a campaign major in the Pawtucket residential West Side Division; Raymond C. Bass, chairman of the Commercial Division; J. Colby Lewis, chairman of the Industrial Division; J. Harold Williams, Executive Secretary of the Narragansett Council, Boy Scouts; Mr. Hibbert, Mr. Shaw, Miss Lee Ya-Ching, Rev. Harold B. Metzner, Ashbel T. Wall, chairman of the Special Gifts Division.
And Robert C. Moeller, member of the Board of Trustees of the War Fund; Mrs. Leslie Orr, a major in the Pawtucket residential East Side Division; George R. Ramsbottom, chairman of the Men's Division; Mrs. Eleanor M. Johnson, president of the Pawtucket-Blackstone Valley Council of Social Agencies; Howard A. Kelly, chairman of the Budget Committee; Mrs. Stephen A. Fanning, a major in the Cumberland Division; Lester H. Knapp, vice chairman of the Corporations Division, and Mrs. Armand A. Bertini, chairman of the Pawtucket's Residential Division.

Other Large Gifts
Among large gifts announced yesterday were:
$1109.50—Staff of Providence Community Fund, Inc.
$824.22—Employes of State Department of Social Welfare (partial)
$665—Patients and employees of Butler Hospital (partial).
$516—Employes of Whiting Milk Co.
$500—Providence Steamboat Co., Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Kilvert.
$410—William Holdsworth.
$400—Lewis S. Milner, Samuel Beekman, U.S. Rubber Co. (Woonsocket)(additional).
  Other contributions yesterday of $25 and over were announced as follows:
$354.70—Employes of Charles V. Chapin Hospital (partial)
$350—Mrs. Walter E. Richmond.
$314—Mr. and Mrs. George J. Holden.
$300—Mrs. Fredrick H. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Capron Mowry
$252.80—Employes of State Health Department (partial)
$250—Johnson Automatics Manufacturing Co., Mr. and Mrs. W. Harold Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Sherwood.
$243.62—British-American Patriotic Society.
$211.11—Mee Hong Restaurant
$200—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Speidel, Arthur Winkleman, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Melver, Mrs. David P. Moulton, Louise C. Hoppin, Berger Wool Co. (Woonsocket), Dr. Arthur H. Ruggles, Elizabeth N. White, Dr. and Mrs. George W. Waterman, Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Edwards, William H. Harris
$188.40—Employes of Providence National Bank.
$182—Leroy F. Burroughs (Miller & George).
$180.—New Jersey Parking Co., Inc.
$175.—George C. Arnold.
$171.—Employes of Miriam Hospital (partial).
$150.—Lewis Wattman, North Providence Welfare Fund, National Colapsible Tube Co., Inc., Dr. and Mrs. Harry C. Messinger, Elizabeth G. White.
$135.—Mr. and Mrs. George W. Harrington
$125.—Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Gerber, Mrs. Albert E. Marshall.
$115.—Mr. and Mrs. David Atwater.
$122.50—Employes of Prudential Insurance Co. (Industrial Dept.)
$110.—Mrs. Richmond Viall, Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Fanning
$106.56—H.T. Mulry Chevrolet Co.
$102.17—Officers, Warrant Officers, Enlisted Men and Families, of Headquarters, Sixth Army Corps. (additional).
$100.- Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Reid, Dr. Robert S. Phillips, Mrs. William P. Buffum, Mrs. Royal C. Taft, Mr and Mrs. Howard Carpenter, Frank E. Remington, Inc., Ray Cotton Company (Woonsocket), Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sisson, Alice Monahan, Mr and Mrs. Richard A. Hurley, Mrs. Constance M. White, Ruth D. Cherry, Barnet Roitman (B. Roitman & Son), Major and Mrs. Godfrey S. Rockefeller, Mrs. Gertrude C. Barrows, Rev. and Mrs. Arthur H. Bradford, Mrs. Oscar Lapham, Mrs. Lillian S. Smith, Mrs. Daniel Donig, George W. Gardner, Anna L. Evans, Adolf Bercontz, Mrs. Sophia P. Fearney, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McSkimmon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brindle, Jr., Chased Schell Amess Ass'n, Mrs. Lucien O. Appleby, Mrs. Issac Rose, Col. and Mrs. H. Anthony Dyer, Mrs. Wm. Larchar, Mrs. Martha H. Watterman, Dr. and Mrs. Elihu S. Wing, Russell C. Harrington, Horace Remington & Son Co., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Silverman.
$90—ELizabeth G. Hoyt.
$87—Employes of Gamwell and Ingraham.
$80—Employes of Attorney General's Department, Louis Diman, Mr and Mrs. Walter S. Reynolds.
$75—Mrs. Howard Hoppin, Mrs. William E. Hay, Dr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Webster, Samuel Goldstein, George E. Comery (Comery, Davison & Jacobson), Ernest H. Davison, Robert F. Eddy, Morris S. and Maxwell W. Waldman, Mrs. Helen N. Bradley, Grace M. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Rhodes, Mrs. Frederick I. Kennon, Mrs. Parker E. Monroe, Mrs. Frederick Bodell.
$73—Employes of Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co.
$72.50—Insurance Underwriters, Inc.
$63—Greystone Girl Scouts.
$60—Mr. and Mrs. Leroy V. Elder, Mrs Richard Rathborne Graham, Mrs. George F. Siddall, Herbert Kuhl (Carbie Color & Chemical Co.), Mrs. Richard Rathborne, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Yatman, Jessie H. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Bert E Israel.
$55—Colonial Finance Corp., Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Loof, Samuel H. Wintman, Jane L. Anthony, Charles J. McKenna, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Keach.
$52—Lillian Woods Crocker.
$50—Bullard-Pickering Co., Arthur Perry, William H. Soley, John F. Greene Co., Inc., Aaron & William Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Buss, Dr. Raymond W. Catchell, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. Chace, George Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Partridge, Otis Elevator Co., Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. (Wetmore Savage Div.), Dr. Nathan A. Bolton, Dr. Eske H. Windsberg, Read & Lundy, Inc., Electrical League of R. I., Dr. and Mrs. N. Darrell Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Lind, Olive L. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gainer, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. R. McQuirter, Mrs. Margaret A. Sullivan, Pauline's Dress Shop, Gumaro Marivillo & Sons, Mrs. George L. Kelly (In memory of Samuel M. Hobson), Mr. and Mrs. John C. Knowles, Dr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Hacking, George Jones (Jones Warehouse), William H. McSoley, Mr. and Mrs. McSoley, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Fletcher, Nickerson Art Metal Co., Fred Halm, Dr. Wm. I. Dennen, Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Shein, Mrs. Inez H. R. Ballan, Mrs. Alfred S. Johnson, Mrs. Al Zura, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Harrison Bliss, Dr. Philip Dorenbaum, Katherine F. Hubbard, Ladies White Eagle Society, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Saunders, Mr. A. J. Christiansen, A. Harrison & Co. Inc., Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard V. King, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Cady, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bowerman, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Bradford A. W. Mason, St. Elizabeth Home (Patients), Mrs. Effie Butts, Mrs. Eliot J. Parkhurst, Herbert E. Payan, Mrs. Isabel S. Adams, Mrs. Walter H. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milton Goff, The Misses and Mrs. Marian Waterman, Alice M. Mullen, Mrs. Franklin S. Jewett, Town and Country.
$45.00—William Cagnon, Mary Louis Poland, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Braitsch
$40—Annie M. Earley, Claire E. Shields, Dr. Louis I. Kramer, Mule Battery Mfg. Co., Albert Setzer, Mr. and Mrs. Norman I. Turner, Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Cook, Claude C. Ball, Office of U.S. Circuit Judge, Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. MacMann, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Bosworth, Florence R. Kenyon, Mrs. G. Kenneth Earle, Mrs. Roger W. Freeman, Dr. Remington P. Capwell, Lucy Lurchar, Stanley E. Shein, F. F. Monahar & Son, Dr. and Mrs. Albert C. Berger.
$39.97—U.S. Marshal's Office
$36—Hoyt W. Lark.
$35—Dr. and Mrs. Harold G. Caden, Bette Rand, Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Herovitz, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pickford, Mary R. Anthony, Sophie A. Grant, Clerk's Office, U.S. Courts, Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Worrell, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Garnett, Mrs. Mary H. Donovan, W. C. Sutherland, Mrs. Mary W. Comstock, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doane, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Reizen.
$34—Providence School Department (Partial).
$32— Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Schacht, Jr.
$30—Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Peters, Mrs. Eugene Vail, F. E. Welch and Co., Hope Rubber Co., Inc., Mrs. Charles C. Nichols, Alice C. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wilson, Louse F. Peirie, Mrs. Mabel C. Blake, Thomas H. Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bailey, Louis M. J. Brough, Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ringland, W.H. Graham Corp., Ann E. Fryer, Dr. and Mrs. Perry Bernstein, Tractors, Inc., Mr. and Mrs. John C. Callard, Mrs. Carrie M. Barber, Leonard Truman, Martia Nicholson, Rose Grinnell, Citizens Finance Co.
$29- O. Kuehner & Co., Inc.
$27- Elly Snell. Employes of Providence Athenaeum.
$25-Huckings Co., Inc., Mrs. Rose Robinson, Delivery Finance Co., Barbara E. Shephard, Edith M. Noble, Frank T. Hertell, Mellors Auto Parts, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mellow, Delaney Finance Co., Mr and Mrs. Samuel W. Church, M. & G. Machine Co., John H. Williams, Harry P. Wilson, Pederick Banspach and Employes, Burton L. Do[[?]]is, Fred C. Hahn, Cyril F. Peck, Elizabeth F. Sherman, Dr. Vincent J. Ryan, Mrs. Anita H. Cox, Mildred A. Mackillop, Mary Elliott Davis, Frank T. Hertell, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Buss, Mr. and Mrs. Bertram J. Drabble, R. I. Fish Co., Inc., Union Equipment & Supply CO., Standish-Barnes Co., Marjory Price, Belkin's Babyland, Delaney Finance Co., Mrs. Rose Robinson, M. & G. Machine Co., Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Church, John H. Williams, Harry P. Wilson, Hope Rubber Co., Mrs. John S. Higgins, Mrs. Henry S. Favor, Mrs. Joseph Charlton Craig, Marie E. Fuller, Mrs. Ward B. Chase, Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Grant, Dr. Louis J. Fuhrman, Mrs. EArl G. Gunn, Mrs. Florence E. singleton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Holmes, First Odessa Independent Ladies' Aux., Dr. Hugh J. Hall, Lend D. Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Steere, John L. Curran, Chester F. Lies, R. I. Cinder Block Co., Celona's Service Station, Samuel A. Place, Inez Clissold, Greystone Social Club, Theodore Rosenblott, Ovila T. NAdeau, Lions Club of NOrth Providence, Mrs. Frank L. Sawyer, Mrs. Arthur R. Clark, Scott the Florist, Inc., Mr. and Mrs. STanley B. Mason, Temple Beth El (Sisterhood), Congregation Sons of Jacob, Mrs. Harry Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Elman, Gerda K. Malmstead, Ella F. Grant, Alfred O. Cianci, Irving F. Fleishman, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kydd, Raymond J. Fries, Dr. Craig S. Houston, Harry B. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Moran, Martha W. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Gray, Women's Guild, Free Evangelical Church, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sugarman, Percy A. Harden, Dr. Edward A. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Taft, What Cheer Wire Works, Better Films Council of R. I., Dr. Vincent Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dodds, Mack M. Forman, Dr. John E. Donley, Mildred L. Watrous, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Frost, Barney Silverstein, Mrs. Charles S. Bates, Sunshine Helpers, Phineas Baker, Mrs. George L'Heureux, William Poland, Mrs. Henry Lyon Scott, Providence Section National Council of JEwish Women, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Z. Paisner, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Monahan, Jr., Mrs. Joanna M. McDuff, George M. Bellegris, Mr. and Mrs. Harrie E. McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton A. Pray, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Straight, Milton J. Silverman, C. & K. Electric Co., Berren's Corporation.  

Standing of United War Fund Teams
(Percentages are based on figures up to noon today.)
[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| District 11—North Providence | Daniel McIver | 144.1 |
| District 9—Mt. Pleasant | Mrs. A. Bochner | 108.7 |
| Executive Gifts—Rubber, Chemicals and Paints | A.B. Lingley | 102 |
| Commercial—Dept. Stores | A.E. Darby | 85.4 |
| Executive Gifts—Finance | E.R. Davis | 76.1 |
| Executive Gifts—Utilities and Transportation | R.L. Nelson | 74.2 |
| Executive Gifts—Construction and Building Materials | A.M. Nichols | 74 |
| District 5—Roger Williams | Mrs. K. Goudey | 72.3 |
| Government and Public Service—Fund Agencies | Dr. T. Burling | 71.1 |
| Executive Gifts—Insurance | D. W. Abel | 69.8 |
| Commercial—Miscellaneous | J. E. Downes | 67.9 |
| Government and Public Service—Hospitals | H. G. Clark | 62.4 |
| Executive Gifts—Jewelry | J. J. Collins | 62.2 |
| District 3—Prospect | Mrs. G. Flynn, Jr. | 60.9 |
| Executive Gifts—Textiles | H. I. Huey | 54.6 |
| Cranston District 31 | Mrs. R. R. Hunt | 52.9 |
| Executive Gifts—Metal Trades | J. C. Bullock | 46 |
| District 2—Blackstone | Mrs. N. B. Durfee | 44 |
| District 1—Rochambeau | Mrs. H. Weller | 43.3 |
| District 4—South Providence | Mrs. G. Small | 38.4 |
| Men's—District 45 | O. L. Dickinson | 37.9 |
| Executive Gifts—Department Stores and Retail | M. L. Burbank | 37.8 |
| Industrial—Cotton, Silk and Rayon | C. H. Smith | 37.6 |
| Executive Gifts—Miscellaneous | F. H. Barrows, Jr. | 37 |
| District 6—Elmwood | Mrs. H. MacDonald | 36.6 |
| Men's—District 42 | C. T. Gamwell | 35 |
| Men's—District 44 | O. S. Edmiston | 34.4 |
| Industrial—Manufacturing Jewelers | F. A. Ballou, Jr. | 32.6 |
| Men's—District 46 | F. A. Pelley | 31.3 |
| Executive Gifts—Auto, Fuels and Lubricants | J. Olney, Sr. | 31 |
| District 8—Olneyville | Mrs. J. King | 29.4 |
| Govt. and Public Service—Private Schools | Clarence E. Sherman | 28.8 |
| District 7—Federal Hill | Mrs. F. Mirando | 28.7 |
| Men's—District 43 | S. Clifford | 27.3 |
| Men's District 41 | E. T. Voigt | 25.5 |
| Cranston—District 34 | Mrs. A. Gentile | 24.5 |
| Cranston—District 33 | N. G. Abbott. Jr. | 23.3 |
| Men's—District 47 | Mrs. H. Baxendale | 23.8 |
| Govt and Public Service—Federal | G. F. Troy | 20.1 |
| Govt and Public Service—State | Dr. E. A. McLaughlin | 20 |
| Industrial—Miscellaneous Manufacturers | F. A. Mirande | 18.5 |
| Cranston—Government and Education | Mayor E. L. Sprague Miss V. L. Milliken | 18.1 |
| Executive Gifts—Foods, Drugs and Beverages | W. B. Thompson | 16 |
| Commercial—Chain Stores | J. E. Mahoney | 14.3 |
| Cranston—District 32 | Mr. and Mrs. L. Carpenter | 13.5 |
| Industrial—Woolens & Worsteds | G. DuBois | 10.7 |
| Industrial—Metal Trades | H. K. Cross | 9.8 |
| Commercial—Foods, Drugs and Beverages | S. Henshaw, Jr. | 9.5 |
| Commercial—Insurance | R. E. Olmsted | 9.2 |
| Commercial—Finance | A. F. Newman | 8.3 |
| District 10—Wanskuck | Miss F. Maroni | 8.2 |
| Executive Gifts—Advertising, Publishing and Printing | R. C. R. Noren | 6.6 |
| Commercial—Construction Materials | G. P. Buell | 4.2 |
| Industrial—Rubber, Wire and Chemicals | A. F. Sheldon | 3.9 |
| Commercial—Graphic Arts | W. H. Swift | 3.2 |
| Cranston—District 36 | Mrs. D. S. Paige | .9 |
| Government and Public Service—Public Schools | A. C. Saunders | .7 |
| Industrial—Utilities and Transportation | A. A. Sweeney | .3 |
| Cranston Special Gifts | P. W. Taylor | 0 |
| Cranston—District 35 | M. DiLorenzo | 0 |
| Cranston—District 37 | Mrs. C. E. Lewis | 0 |
| District 12—Johnston | J. E. Morris | 0 |
| Commercial—Auto, Fuels and Lubricants | J. V. N. Hitch| 0 |
| Government and Public Service—City | C. F. McElroy | 0 |
| Industrial—Braiding and Knitting | F. S. Crowther | 0 |
| Industrial—Dyeing, Bleaching and Finishing | W. A. Traver | 0 |

[[bottom left ad]]
Reductions Will Sweep You Off Your Feet!
Includes maple rocker and many accessories $18
Includes 9x12 ft Axminster Rug $18
Odd Chest of Drawers $4.00
3 pc Mahogany Bedroom $44
New Ironing Boards with Electric Plug $1.95
5 Pc Kitchen Set $4.85
Maple Arm Sofa Bed $12.50
8 pc Dining Room Set $19
Cabinet Gas Ranges $5.00
8 Pc. Colonial Bedroom 
Beautiful walnut finish $18
Writing Desk $3.95
New Maple Arm Chairs $6.98
Mattresses (all kinds) $3.45
3 Pc Maple Bedroom $34
9x12 Parlor Rugs $8.95
Dining Room Tables $2.95
Heavy Kitchen Chairs 98¢
3 pc Bed Outfit $8.45
Porcelain Enamel Kitchen Table $7.95
New Felt Base Linoleum, yd 12¢
Circulating Oil Heaters $9.59
669 Elmwood Ave. (Rear of Swiss Cleaners)
Take up to 58 Weeks to Pay
[[/bottom left ad]]]

[[bottom center ad]]
[[?]] with 70-year record in Dental field introduces amazing new powder
Perma-Grip, developed by the makers of the famous Pro-phy-lac-tic Tooth Brush, anchors plates more solidly, more comfortably, than you ever thought possible. Developed from costly Karaya gum. Positively will not "ball up"—remains a smooth, even cushion. Non-acid. No unpleasant taste—no discomfort. Only 35¢ at any drug counter.
Product of the Pro-phy-lac-tic Breath-Co.
[[/bottom center ad]]

Division Standings as Reported in United War Fund
(Percentages are based on figures up to noon today.)
[[3 Columned Table]]
| DIVISION | CHAIRMAN | P.C. of Quota |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Woonsocket | Harry J. Graham | 66.7 | 
| Executive Gifts | J. Cunliffe Bullock | 55.8 |
| Residential | C.W. Provonchee | 54.1 |
| Corporations | G. Pierce Metcalf | 47.4 |
| Special Gifts | Ashbel T. Wall | 43.1 | 
| Men's | Harold B. Tanner | 30.3 | 
| Govt. & Public Service | Hon. Dennis J. Roberts |
| Cranston | Mrs. B.H. Kenyon | 27.1 | 
| Pawtucket | Charles K. Shaw | 25.7 |
| Commercial | Rupert C. Thompson, Jr. | 23.5 | 
| Warwick-East Greenwich | Charles H. Putnam |
| Industrial | J. Colby Lewis | 13.2 |
| Non-Chest Area | H. Cushman Anthony | 0 |

The three persons arrested in New York Tuesday night as members of an interstate vice ring have waived removal proceedings and will be returned to Providence soon, it was learned here today.
The three are Margaret C. Williams, 37, her husband, Raymond A. Williams, 43, and Evelyn Cain. all are charged with violating and conspiring to violate the White Slave Traffic Act. The Williams are described by Federal officers as the operators of a "vice palace" on Benefit street, and the Cain woman as their New York "booking agent."
Arrested on fugitive warrants Tuesday night, the three of them waived removal proceedings at their arraignment before a U.S. Commissioner in New York yesterday, Dean R. Morley, local FBI chief, announced today. They were unable to furnish $3000 bail each.
The Williams's 18-year-old son, Raymond Williams, who was arrested at the Benefit street house Tuesday night, pleaded not guilty at his arraignment here before U.S. Commissioner James J. McCabe yesterday and was held in $2000 bail pending hearing Dec. 2. He is charged only with conspiracy to violate the white slave act.

A 10-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy described in Superior Court today the terrible indignities they said were inflicted on them last March by a man who lived near them in Woonsocket.
Joseph Fealhaber, 32, of 6 Cook's Yard, Woonsocket, the defendant, went on trial before Judge Mortimer A. Sullivan and a jury on a serious morals charge involving his conduct with the girl.
Stories of the girl and boy, told with childlike frankness, dovetailed in every respect.
They said they were playing together in a yard in the rear of the tenement where Fealhaber and his wife live on afternoon in March when Mrs. Fealhaber asked them to go to the store for kerosene.
They did, they said, and when they brought it to the Fealhaber flat, Fealhaber ordered his wife to another tenement, where some relatives lived, and then took them "by the ears" down into the cellar. The children then described alleged happenings in the cellar.
In pain, the girl hollered and her cries brought Mrs. Fealhaber into the cellar. Fealhaber also whipped his wife, the children said, and they said he warned them that if they said anything about the incident, he would kill them. The girl said she was afraid tel tell her mother anything about her experience until about a month later when, because of sickness, which sh claimed the assault had brought on, sh had to be taken to a doctor.
Fealhaber's attorney, Assistant Public Defender John J. McGrane, did not attempt to cross-examine the two children.

Street Clothes Stolen While Three Young Women Are at Work
Three young women, waitresses in a restaurant at 90 Clemence street, reported to police last night that their street clothes were stolen from the ladies' room of the establishment while they were at work in uniforms.
The women, Celia Martin of 356 Lockwood street, Doris Rice of 35 Haskins street, and Ethel Banks of 17 New Fenner avenue, Cranston, told police the articles stolen were three dresses and a jacket, valued at $21.

If not in use turn you car into bonds.
Bonds increase in value. Stored cars
rust and gather dust.
$50,000 Cash for Cars
201 BROAD ST. - Call DExter 6900

A Continental Casualty Company policy assures your entire family ages (1-60) Hospital Care.
[120 Days Hospital Indemnity] 
[Blanket Miscellaneous Expense]
[$1,000 for Accidental Death ]
Phone Gaspee 2824
Continental Casualty Company
Room 515 171 Westminster st.
Providence, R.I.

FLAG [[image]]
No wonder Flag's such a "pepper-upper"! It's brimful of pure, healthful ingredients - high meat content - and perfectly balanced. Demand FLAG at your grocer today!

When you put money into War Bonds and Star [[illegible]]
it's just as though you picked up a wrench and [[illegible]]
to work on a tank, bomber or machine gun. It's [[you]]
and the many others like you, who are building [[illegible]]
weapons that will assure victory for America and the
United Nations. So buy War many as
you can, as often as you can. Get busy with [[the]]
wrench you can use!
Rhode Island Hospital National Bank
Pawtucket - Providence - Woonsocket
[[/bottom right ad]]

Transcription Notes:
Someone asked for review and it was marked as "Complete", however a whole column had not been transcribed. Fixing it. Unsure if the panel titled "Standing of United War Fund Teams" should be transcribed as a table Resume transcribing at $40