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United Nations Rally Hears Slav, Chinese and British Speakers
In Britain's postwar social order there still will be room for individual enterprise, though the state will keep many of its wartime controls, Margaret G. Bondfield, member of parliament and British labor leader, told a United Nations rally of 800 at the Schroeder hotel Wednesday night.
Other speakers at the meeting, sponsored by the Milwaukee conference of B'nai B'rith were Miss Lee Yaching, one of China's best known women aviators; Prof. Boris Furlan, a refugee Slovene working for the unity of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes; Dr. E. L. Belknap, chapter chairman, and Bert C. Broude, representing B'nai B'rith.
Now 'Socialist State'
Miss Bondfield asserted Britain now is a "socialist state for most practical purposes," but she declared the war has proved both the state and private enterprise can function side by side for the good of the nation.
Conquered Europe, speaking its mind in the underground newspapers, wants a real international organization, and no hegemony of this group of nations or that, said Prof Furlan.
End to Exploitation
The "common man," who is doing the fighting and dying on the underground fonts, also wants an end to "all forms of exploitation." If everlasting peace is to come, democracy must be established all over the earth, Prof Furlan declared. 
Miss Ya-Ching, who is touring the nation by plane in behalf of China war relief, told how China during five and a half years of bitter war has been laboriously building new industries, constructing roads and railways and educating tens of millions of her people. What China wants, she said, is equality in the family of nations and the right to function as a democratic republic.
At United Nations Rally
Among those greeting Miss Lee Ya-ching, Chinese aviatrix who spoke at a United Nations rally at the Schroeder hotel Wednesday night, was Jack King, leader of the Chinese community in Milwaukee. Miss Lee is touring the country by plane in behalf of China war relief. 
Milwaukee Sentinal
Second News Section
Milwaukee, Thursday, April 1, 1943