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Lehigh County United Appeal Campaign for $420,612 Launched

Rally Held in Rockne Hall at Conclusion of Parade Hears Stirring Program

Lehigh county hurled its massed forces against the enemies on the home and fighting fronts last night when some 2,000 volunteer workers launched the United Appeal campaign for 1944 at a rally in Rockne hall.
the rally, climaxing a parade of United Appeal agencies and other defense forces, marked the beginning of the two week drive through which the people of Lehigh county are to raise at least $420,612 to make life a bit more pleasant for its men and women in training camps and in fox holes: provide for the comfort and health and stability of their families and friends at home; and maintain the strength of this nation's allies.
Stirring music by Allentown's massed bands, a gracious thank you from a representative of the United Nations, more warm thanks for what has been done from the men in the fighting forces, and a challenge to workers by Chairman Warren W. Rhoda highlighted the rally. The mass meeting was arranged by a committed headed by Edwin G. Flohr. 
First reports on the program of the drive will be presented at a meeting to be held in Asbury Methodist church at noon on Wednesday. The campaign will be climaxed by the victory rally in Asbury church on Friday, Oct. 29.
Participating in last night's rally were Miss Lee Ya-Ching, personal representative of Madame Chiang Kai-shek, who brought to the community the thanks of China and the United Nations; Lieutenant Commander Harry Good and Stephen M. Sivcho of the American Field Service, who spoke for the fighting forces; Norman Flores, who gave a challenge in the name of those leaving their homes to fight; and Mr. Rhoda, Atty. Donald V. Hock served as master of ceremonies. 
As she presented the thanks of China and the United Nations for the help that has come from America, Miss Lee said they have been carrying on the fight against the common enemy throught [[through]] the help that has come from this country. China, she recalled, has been fighting Japan for six years, fighting without proper equipment, fighting with bare arms and torn fingers.
Continued on Page 21, Column 2

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America's fighting men and a representative of the United Nations, speakers at last night's United Appeal rally are shown above with the chairman of the rally. Left to right they are Lieutenant Commander Harry Good of the Navy; Stephen Sivcho, Volunteer ambulance driver in Africa; Donald V. Hock, chairman of the meeting, and Miss Lee Ya-Ching, the principal speaker. Below, the Lehigh County Council of Girl Scouts is pictured as it massed colors in the parade that preceded the rally.

The Morning Call, Allentown, Pa., Tuesday, October 19, 1943