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On July 7, 1937, when the Lukouchiao incident broke out, little did the world realize that a war of global dimensions was in the making. With each year that has since passed, the scale of hostilities has enlarged and the true nature of the war has gradually revealed itself. Today the Far Eastern & European wars have become one worldwide struggle between the United Nations & the Axis Powers. 
During these five years the Chinese have fought against all odds & suffered untold millions of civilian & military casualties, but they have never lost the will to fight nor the will to win. Even at the present critical period, when Japan appears to be making a final attempt to knock China out of the war, the chinese remain calm & confident, veering neither to undue optimism nor to pessimism, but grimly determined to carry on until the forces of aggression are destroyed.
Today as we celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Far Eastern war, & on this solemn occasion of the fifth anniversary of china's war of resistance to aggression, I wish assure the american people & the whole world that the fighting spirit & morale of my people are higher today than at any time during these five long years of a terrible war. For we are now no longer fighting alone as we did during the first four years & five months; & we are fighting with the full confidence that the United Nations representing more than three quarters of the world's population & including three of the greatest powers of the word cannot possible lose the war & must win it