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The students of China - indeed all the people of China - extend to you their warmest greetings, and thank you for the sympathy and support which the American people have given to my country in her hour of need.

The struggle in China today against a powerful aggressor is molding a New Chinese girl and woman - a woman who will be similar in outlook and efficiency as the business woman of America.

Indeed we Chinese girls can well be jealous of such a school as yours, in which you are being perfectly trained to enter the world we face today. Unfortunately Chinese girls were called upon to defend their country unprepared for such s terrible emergency. Far better would it have been for them to have been trained as you are being trained in this school today.

America business girls are the most efficient in the world today, and it is the ambition of Chinese girls to be like this. But Chinese girls and women are beginning to take a bigger and bigger part in the affairs of their country, and I hope the day will come when the world of business will be opened to us as it is to American girls.

Today, China fighting a life and death struggle with Japan needs all her forces and has called upon women and girls to help, under the leadership of Madame Chiang Kai-shek. I have always wanted to help China, and I was overjoyed that my training as a flyer made it possible for me to do my part.