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The girls of China are being trained in classes by the Training Department of the Women's Committee. There is a classof 450 girls now being trained- these girls have fled from the areas occupied by the Japanese. They are specially selected who are given the most thorough sort of social and political training. They are taught to teach, instructed in the principles of hygiene, shown how to care for the wounded and sick, and taught methods of rural organization. Upon graduation these girls are sent out to the country to work in special corps, to serve in hospitals, in refugee children's homes, in the cooperatives.

The girls and women of New China are forging ahead. No longer can Chinese women be likened to loose shifting sand, but they are solidly united. [[strikethrough]] Perhaps [[/strikethrough]] some day we shall have a free strong China, with schools and girls like yourselves.

Thank you.

Transcription Notes:
"Classof" is purposely misspelled in accordance to the document.