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And it will be good for us to remind ourselves, in the months to come, that during the past four years, while we have enjoyed peace while preparing for this inevitable war -- China has been over there on the fighting line, ALONE. The United States surely owe's a great debt to China.
But our aid to China now is more than a debt. It is a measure of home defense almost. Today China is a military ally, and aid to China is a necessity, if China's resistance is to continue, and if this country is to survive.
During the past year, since the United China Relief was organized, thousands of Americans have considered China a deserving charity and they have given generously. Today, however, aid to China is not charity, and it is more than a debt. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO OUR OWN VICTORY OVER JAPAN THAT CHINA BE GIVEN THE STRENGTH AND THE MORALE TO CONTINUE HER RESISTANCE.
In view of the national emergency, United China Relief will intensify its effort throughout the country. Local committees which have reached their quotas and closed their drives are being urged to renew their campaigns, and other committees in the midst of their campaigns will be urged to redouble their efforts. In cities where no committees exist, steps will be taken to set up committees immediately.
No! Aid to China must not stop now. As the ferocity of the war in the Far East increases, China's need for humanitarian aid will also increase. She must be given relief and medical aid -- now -- and generously.
In the opinion of observers, China after 4 1/2 years of war is stronger than ever before. While China fights, she builds. The roadless West has been opened up by highways and by industry. Railroads are penetrating former frontier land. Ancient fields bear bountiful harvest. Her armies are larger, and better equipped. 
Because all her wartime reconstruction has been designed to create solid foundations for recovery and general economic progress in postwar China, China's