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China, it would take weeks and months. This difficulty has been a source of many untoward circumstances. But after the establishment of airlines, all principal cities throughout the entire country have been linked up. It has helped not only to accelerate the political unity, but also with it the frequent exchange of ideas and ideals cherished by people in different parts of the country. Thus aviation has contributed in a large degree toward the enrichment of culture. Therefore the whole emphasis of our program on aviation has been made chiefly on constructive purposes - far remote from using it for bombing and destruction. It is in this spirit that I come to you with the good will of our people.

Unhappily created by this undeclared war, there are more than 30,000,000 refugees in our homeland. Many of them are women and children, wounded and sick, roaming homeless and aimlessly in struggle for their more existence. In their behalf, I appeal to you for your substantial help, confidential of your support which has been so nobly characterised by the relations of our two peoples.