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only [[strikethrough]] initiating [[/strikethrough]] stimulate your interest in following the movement in China in your future deliberations, I would consider myself as having not wasted your time.

China Between 1927 - 1937

After the revolution of 1911 in China, there followed a period of chaos; a period marked by many unfortunate incidents, but a period which probably any country would have to go through in transiting from one form of social concept and economic organization into a totally different form. However, with the successful establishment of the National Government in Nanking in 1927 also ended the period of transition or adjustment. Between 1927 and 1937, China went through the most important decade of her modern history, and in spite of the interruption occasioned by the Manchurian incident of 1931 and Shanghai incident of 1932, China was able to make real progress in consolidating her position politically, socially, economically, and in all other ways which combine to build up a unified, respectable and well administered nation. By 1937, China was becoming really strong, not in the sense of military power or financial strength but in the sense that there had been a complete change in the conception of the Chinese with respect to the future possibilities of their country and with respect to the contribution which the Chinese as a race should make to the progress of the civilization of the world. There was to be a new China, and there was the firm determination to strive for that objective.

During the decade of 1927 - 1937, the foundations were well laid for a new China, and a program of what may be called "regimented reconstruction" was to be vigorously and resolutely carried out during the ensuing years. As some one has very fittingly characterized it, 1937 was a year of great prosperity and brilliant prospects for China.