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trol, which is in fact the control of imports. All imports are classified according to the nature of their importance to the prosecution of war and the development of the interior. This method of control has most effectively checked the flow of non-essential imports into the interior, which imports not only would cause a drain on our foreign exchange resources but would either compete with domestic products or prevent the opportunity of using some substitutes that could be domestically produced.

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Significance of Reconstruction

These developments, namely, the improvement and construction of systems of communication and transportation, the industrialization of the Southwest and the exploitation of its mineral resources, the adjustment of agriculture, the progress in finance and banking and the control of trade and exchange are the most notable achievements of the work of reconstruction in the interior of China. We could go on from these economic aspects to a discussion of the social aspects of reconstruction, and we could take up such subjects as migration of fifty million refugees from the war stricken areas, the removal of educational institutions to the West, the problems of public health and political organization, and so on. But, all in all, we see that China is reconstructing in her deep interior, while destruction is raging in her coastal provinces and many other parts of the world.

You may truthfully conclude from what I have said that the significances of the work of reconstruction are most vital and far reaching Through reconstruction, the opening up of the vast interior of China has been advanced and accelerated by at least fifty years; this development will have permanent economic importance because it has been based upon a well-planned and well-directed program with the aid of the world's latest equipment and technique; the leading Chinese export products have been improved and made