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available to the markets of the world; and the continued expansion of the economic program in the interior will mean the need of an enormous amount of industrial equipment in the future. The work of reconstruction is the foundation of Chinese resistance against foreign aggression, whereas various material developments will doubtless improve the general standard of living. The greatest of all accomplishments is that there has been generated a closer unity between the people and the Government and between the different classes of people to work toward the ultimate objective with renewed faith and unshaken determination.

It, however, would be unwise and unsafe to infer that everything is fine with China and to leave out the dark sides of the situation. We are confronted with endless difficulties, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] but out of frequent frustrations and despair we manage to emerge with greater faith and conviction. The Japanese have occupied practically all of our important economic areas developed before the war, and although their control of these places is far from being effective, their schemes of economic exploitation are definitely threatening and formidable. Our task of reconstruction, therefore, does not end with the development of the deep interior but must also include the prevention of Japanese misuse of our resources in the so-called occupied territories. And when the day comes when the occupied territories are reverted to our control, we will face the still greater task of reconstruction of the devastated country-sides.

In carrying on the work of reconstruction both at present and in the future, China naturally looks to friendly nations for much needed assistance. The United States is in a unique position to lend a helping hand to China, and your compensation will be found not merely in the safe return of loans which your Export-Import Bank may extend to China, but more significantly it will be found in the depth of friendship of the Chinese for generations to come.
