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And it will be good for [[strikethrough]] us [[/strikethrough]] you to remind yourselves, in the months to come, that during the past four years, while [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] you have enjoyed peace while preparing for this inevitable war -- China has been over there on the fighting line, ALONE. The United States surely owe's a great debt to China.

But your aid to China now is [[strikethrough]] more than a debt [[/strikethrough]] important. It is a measure of home defense, almost. Today China is a military ally, and aid to China is a necessity, if China's resistance is to continue, and if this country is to survive. 

During the past year, since United China Relief was organized, thousands of Americans have considered China a deserving charity and they have given generously. Today, however, aid to China is not charity, [[strikethrough]] and it is more than a debt. [[/strikethrough]] IT IS ESSENTIAL TO YOUR OWN VICTORY OVER JAPAN THAT CHINA BE GIVEN THE STRENGTH AND THE MORALE TO CONTINUE HER RESISTANCE.

During the past four years an important factor in China's resistance has been the aid given [[strikethrough]] her people [[/strikethrough]] us by the people of [[strikethrough]] this country [[/strikethrough]] America through United China Relief. All of you have heard of the splendid work this great organization is doing to relieve suffering among the war-stricken people of China. Since last Spring it has been conducting a national drive for $5,000,000. More than half of this sum has been raised. Small as this sum may seem by comparison with your stupendous defense expenditures, it has proved a boon in China, where one American dollar is worth $20.00. And this aid has been a source of moral support for the Chinese people in the dark hours of their struggle when, alone but unafraid, they braved the fury of the Axis aggression in the East. Only recently, Madame Chiang Kai-shek, [[strikethrough]] that great [[/strikethrough]] the wife of [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] our great leader, sent a cablegram to this country expressing [[strikethrough]] her country's [[/strikethrough]] our gratitude [[strikethrough]] of our people [[/strikethrough]] for your help and the determination of [[strikethrough]] her country [[/strikethrough]] our people to keep fighting. [[/strikethrough]]