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Perhaps there is nothing more misunderstood in this world than the position of the Chinese womanhood, in whose behalf I would like to speak to you. [[strikethrough]] A large number of misconceptions regarding the women of China have been created by Western writers who know little or nothing of Chinese history and civilization. And some of these unworthy notions still live within the books that are placed in the hands of the school-children in foreign lands. A distorted picture of a truly great group of women thus lingers on, even in modern times, and there are many in the Western world who still believe that the women of China are the ignorant victims of domestic abuse and tyranny.
In reality, of course, all this is a terrible injustice to Chinese womanhood. Modern scholarship has exposed much of the fraud of earlier historians. But I am convinced that there is, even yet, a definite message that I can leave with you for the complete vindication of the women of China. [[/strikethrough]]
My present trip through this wonderful country of the United States is carried on with one desire, and that is to tell every one I can, of the terrible suffering that is going on in China. How I could like for every American to help me bring relief to the women and children who are starving, and wounded, and made beggars in my native land: This is my dearest desire. And yet, I cannot help, at the same time, to tell you of the noble work that the Chinese women are doing, even in these dark days.