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[[strikethrough]] and tomorrow, you must realize, there would be no China. [[/strikethrough]]

No one, it is true, so symbolizes the nobility and self-sacrifice of Chinese woman hood, [[strikethrough]] soas [[/strikethrough]] as our gallant leader, Madame Kai-Shek. She has taught and inspired her fellow-women by her laborious example, and not by mere lofty words. Her name, alone, is more than sufficient to convince the world of the social, economic, political, and cultural dignity of the women of China. 

And yet, there are hundreds, and thousands, of Chinese women, obviously less famous than she, but no less valiant and necessary in their part of the solution of the distressing problem of getting relief to the innocent sufferers throughout our land.

It is as one of these women that I would address you here. I beseech you, friends of China, to help us bring a measure of relief to more than 30,000,000 refugees and orphans in our native land. Think of it! Almost one-fourth of the population of the United States --- without homes; without food or medical care; without parents; without, in fact, any of the things which stand for security, and even a little happiness in this wonderful country of which you are so justly proud. These refugees possess only one forlorn thing: and that is hope: --- Hope that looks anxiously for help, across the Pacific Ocean, to a great and warm-hearted people who remember well your struggles to maintain your own country independent and united.

Cruel though her torment be, China, nevertheless has complete confidence that she will eventually drive the present invader from her shores. This confidence is nourished by the amazing growth of solidarity and of patriotism even in the remotest provinces. It is made stronger by increasing experience in self-defense. But a far firmer foundation for this confidence, than any of these things, is China's realization that the spirit is more powerful than the sword, and that Truth and Justice must in the end prevail.