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had to be both a son and a daughter to him. That was the way he brought me up, giving me many privileges and opportunities that the average Chinese girl would not have had. 

It was decided that I should learn to fly. 

My father, very progressive thinker, is a great liberal. His great desire [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] has always to to see China develope into a strong [[strikethrough]] China [[/strikethrough]] and united nation. He is a great believer of Dr.Sun Yat-sen's three priciples: Nationalism, Democracy, and the People's Livehood. [[strikethrough]] He was [[/strikethrough]] Being my father an ardent follower of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the father of the revolutin which overthrew the Manchus in 1911, and established China a Republic. During the revolution my entire family played very important parts My grand mother, my parants and my uncle all joined in the revolution in Canton. My great grand father at that time was an [[strikethrough]] Manchus [[/strikethrough]] officer of the Manchus government. Because of this, it was much more difficult for the family to organize sercret meetings and hideouts for the resistence. 

The ladies of that time very seldom appear in public, although they enjoyed important position at home, they are very suclded and protected from the outside world. My grand mother was one of these. She had bond feet and it took great courage to make the necessary action possible. Because of prevailing conditions my grand mother was able to fool the Manchus. For instance, she started a school to teach girls embroidery as a cover, and in the basement was the meeting place for all the young patriots. 

My grand mother often took my mother to Hongkong to smuggle in ammunitions and gun powder. At that time the costums were closely watched, but being ladies of an officer's family, they were able to avoid suspicion. But they had a narrow escape one time. They were to bring in some watches of unique design which were to be used as identification for the party. The watches were sewed inside their dresses