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and when they steped down the gangbank of the boat some of the watches started to tick. It was too late to turn back so they had to talk very loud and laughted to each other to cover up the noise. If the watches were cauth on them it would mean the death penalty. All the bystanders were very indignantto see two ladies behaye so unladilike.
They also staged marriages and funerals in order to carry ammunitions from one place to another. the Chinese weddings were very elaborate affairs, the prossicionoff gifts sometime fill a whole block. Instead of gifts the boxes were filled with ammunitions, in the case of funerals the coffin was filled with ammnitions.
[[strike through]] My father [[/strike through]] Wearing the hair in a cue of was a humiliation the Manchus imposed on the Chinese men. [[Strike through]] There [[/strike through]] All the young men in defiance of the Manchus cut off their cue to demomstate their rebellion against them. Therefore any man caught without cue were suject to death penalty. One day My father was caught [[strike through]] without [[/strike through]] in the street without his cue , so he was court martialed. During the trail my motherrbrought a lunch with a bomb inside, with the intention of blowing up the whole court, Magistrate and all if my father was sentenced. Fortunately the Magistrate was a good friend of my great drang father and my father was release without harm.
The Most during feat my father and uncle did during that time was the bombing of a very important and the most dangerouiss Manchus officer. His mane was Gen. Fengsan the most hated man in the Manchus government. Theyhhdd imformation that Gen. Feng was going to pass though acertain street that day and preparations were made to destroy him. My father and uncle volunteed to do the job. They waited on top of a roof with their selfmade bombs at the appointed route, when the parade came in sight with Gen. Feng sitting in a cedan chair carried by many coolies, the bombs were droped and instancely killed the Gen. My father and uncle escaped the roof top to roof top and a boat was waiting to