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take them away from the river to the steamer to Hongkong. This episode is recorded in the history of the founding of the Republic.
All these things happened before I was born, but I wanted to point out that I was brought up in a family of revolutionists and from childhood was taught the ideal of serving the country and the people frist. I was taught that the existence of the individual must have a meaning and perpose in this world. Therefore I dedicated my life to the purposeful development of my country.  And it was also my father's ideal that I should take up flying.  
I started flying in Geneva in 1933, with the intention that when I return to China it would help to promote aviation. Since I am a girl it would impress all men to a girl flyer.
My training in Geneva was wonderful, I loved every munite [[strikethrough]] of it [[/strikethrough]] in the air. sometime the weather was too bad to fly I would just be contended to sit in the airport and watched the planes that were on the ground. Those were the most wonderful months, flying and dreaming and feeling so free,when you are in the air all by yourself there is a sense of freedom- everything look so beautiful and you feel so detach from the earth - you are so much closer to heaven. And when you emerged from under a grey sky to the top of the Ncloud - no matter how depressing it looks underneath. The bright sun would greets you with all its glories - and you feel nearest to heaven. The mountain of clouds underneath you form an ocean of snow-white feece, it looks so inviting and you feel like steping out [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] from your plane to walk on it. You say to yourself nature is Beauty. You say to  yourself nature is Beauty. You tell yourself you were now sitting on top of the world, sailing by a magic craft that has master the mystic powers of wind and rain, and surprssed the dreams of the Arabian Nights.
And at night when the moon is full and the sky full of stars or when you appoch a lighted city shinning like jeweles, then you realy feel you are in a dreamland.

Transcription Notes:
reopened - please recheck as I had to make several corrections and change quite a few words back to the authors original spelling. I am not sure I caught them all.