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During these months I learned to fly many types of planes single motor to tri-motors, crosscountry and instrument flying, night flying, and aerobaties. Learnto take the motor apart and pubettiburrepgiinit, and put it back together again. Learn the use of Radio and the construction of instruments, weather condition, navigation, celesal navigation etc, etc. 
Infact the whole making of a transport pilot.
I had a very exciting event when I was taking aerobatics, it was not the rule for the school to teach it, but upon my request for the use in China, they have me a special course. One morning the structor was giving me lesson on loops falling leaves, immurment turns and rolls. I think it was on the third roll that my safty belt came unbuckled while we were flying unsidedown. I tried desperately to hand on to something but before I know it I found myself leaving the plane. It was the most horrible generation I experienced in my life. I was all by myself in mid air and the plane was somewhere up there. I realized there was nothing I could do but to try and safe myself. All of a sudden I remember I had a parachute on, but [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] I never had any instruction on how to use it. You see we only put the parachute on as regurlartion and the instructor said it was just something to sit on. But I remembered faintly back of my mind that the ripcord was somewhere on the left side so I quicklt fumble for it and pulled it as hard as I could with both hands, and hoped. 
The parachute company said if it doesn't open you can always get your money back.
Luckily it opened. What a relieve. Then I remembered my instructor, poor man he must be worring to death. So I looked up and foundhhimjust turning the plane back to the right side. So I waved at him to indicate that I was alright. As I was doing that , I saw something came tumbling down towards me, and I couldn't imagine what it could be. When I looked closely it was one of my shoe, falling right in front of my nose! I could have reach out my hand to catch it and put it back on! It struct me funny.