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that I laught. I couldn't get over the idea that after all those time here in the middle of the sky my shoe should followed me.
I was enjoying my parachute ride, floating down peacefully to earth. But when I looked down, it was not earth at all. To my great horror it was the San Francisco Bay. It could well be the Pacific ocean as far as I am concern. In the excitment I had forgotten that we always fly over water when we do aerobatics. Not knowing how to swim but a few strokes it was not a very comforting sensation. I also remember someone said once that you have to take of the chute and let go off it just before you touch the water so it won't submerge you. But I didn't have time to do it I already struck the water and went way under. They told me after wards, it took only 17 second from the time I left the plane at 2000 ft. till I struck water. I remember kicking my feet to come up on top again, fortunately there was a wind which blew the parachute off my head. As soon as I was on top I took the chute off so it wouldn't drag me down, I thought the best thing to do is to lie on my back and float and not attemp to swim since I had on such heavy flying suit, it was an overall made of leather with five zippers to unfasten before I could get out and I didn't want to exert myself struggleing with it. There was a cushion of the chute floating around so I wooked it under my feet to help keep them up.
There I was in the middle of the ocean, waiting patiantly for help, I was sure they would send a speed boat for me. I had confidence in them. After a while a plane appeared over my head, they kept circling around weaving at me, I was comforted with the thought that even if I sunk now they new where to fish me out. But they went away! The fools! I told myself not to be afraid, as long as I kept clam, I could keep floating a long time, someone told me once. They wouldn't let me drown. I had confidence in them. But why does it take so long! The water is getting into my ears, nose and eyes, and is icy cold. I don't think I can keep up very long. Just at the very last moment, a navy amphibiam come and rescued me.

Transcription Notes:
Letters are purposely misspelled here in accordance to the spelling in the original document.