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wall with a sign asking bepasser to adopt them because the orphanage was too full.
But with all the hardship and misery of war China carried on, We have been fighting the enemies for 7 years and half predically with our bear hands, unprepaired, unorganized, without proper equipments and armmuments. But I can proudly say, instead of losing heart we went right ahead and rebuild a new China out of the ashes. The pass word of the nation is to restat and reconstruct.
Today we have an arm force of six million men and eleven million in reserves and many thousand trained guerilla fighters harassing the Japanese behind their lines. There are one million Japanese being kept immobilized in China. Our Airforce today is the pride of the Nation. Thousands of keen minded Chinese youths are being trained both in China and America, I have seen and talk to some of them after their graduation from Arizona. They were so full of spirit and enthusiasm and were all eager to try out their tactics on the Japs.
Also gliding scools were arranged by the National Gliding Ass. in many cities and students of both sexs are taking it up by the thousands. AT the parachute jumping contest a nine year old boy won the title of the best parachutist. Among the entries, the youngest participant was a boy of seven years old.
The national Commission on Aeronautical affairs established schools for the boys of [[?]]-15 to perpair them for the future Air Force.