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difference even saving a patient or losing him.

As Dr. Lin Yutang says in his book, "The Importance of Living:" "China therefore becomes a land where no one is trying very hard to think and everyone is trying very hard to live." When he wrote those words, he didn't know of China's present fight for her life, but they are literally and tragically true today. And, unless those who are more fortunate, help China and her people in their house of need, neither will live long, regardless of how hard they try.

When I say "Help," I don't mean that other nations should go to war to save China – that is the farthest thing from my thoughts. I don't believe in war. For that matter I know no Chinese person who believes in it – not even a war lord We didn't make a war; it was made for us. By "Help," I mean that sympathy for all suffering humanity, which impels us to give what we can materially, in order that a stricken people may rise out of the ashes of destruction, and take their place among the other civilized nations of the world.

No country can be greater than its people, so with [[strikethrough]] China [[/strikethrough]] many of China's cities in smoking ruins and her [[/strikethrough]] rice [[/strikethrough]] fields devastated, still her people may once again [[strikethrough]] rise [[/strikethrough]] emerge triumphantly to overthrow her enemies by strength of soul, if not by [[strikethrough]] strength [[/strikethrough]] force of arms.

For China and the Chinese I thank you from a grateful heart.