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They knew well too, that Japan had brooded over the ruin of China for long and that peace would not easily be secured any more. So China had come to the point, where there was no possibility to compromise. The conditions of half way compromise were equal to complete surrender, which meant the destruction of China. So we had no other choice than sacrifice to the last moment, as only sacrifice [[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] to the last moment can bring final victory. There is no need to say, that China is a weak country, but we have to preserve our national existence and carry the historical responsibility that our ancestors have handed down to us from generation to generation. So we decided upon a national policy of whole-section-resistance-war. As soon as this had begun, there is no choice but to fight it through. This resistance war is not only the trial we have to pass in the process of our national revolution, but it will also help to accomplish this revolution and after this war the national freedom and reconstruction will both be completed at the same time. So we can comprehend the big scale of this war, what we have sacrificed and still have to sacrifice in future; the difficulty of the task and the importance of its consequences. They cannot be compared with anything that happened during these last five thousand years.
Since the beginning of the Resistance War, the Chinese Government has determined upon a double-line policy,- the resistance and reconstruction,- and this is followed by the whole country until today. The essential points of this policy are:
1/ Concerning foreign policy and international relations we should base on a spirit of independence and self-government and fight together with all anti-aggressive countries in order to destroy the aggression of tyranny and establish a world of peace for all peace-loving nations to live together.