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2/ Concerning the inner politic of the country, we should take the local self-government as foundation and prepare for enforcement of our constitution. Before the enforcement of the constitution we should organize a peoples' political council in order to combine the strength of the whole country and concentrate the will of the whole nation. Through this the national policy will easily be brought into action. 
3/ Concerning national economy, we should execute a planned economy and expect that our national defense will join in with the livelyhood of the people.
4/ Concerning culture and thoughts,- we should brighten our own virtues, support knowledge and science and raise the intellectual status of the people. All these policies are nothing but the three principles of our late father Dr. Sun Yat Sen. It is, at the same time, the crystallization of the strategy of our national revolution. Since these seven years of Resistance War the whole nation has been following these principles with united effort and sincerity. There is no doubt that we will win the war and accomplish the reconstruction too.
Now I would like to say a word about the responsibility, which the Resistance war means for the international peace and the World war. First thing I have [[strikethrough]] got [[/strikethrough]] to point out, is, that out national government knew well enough that the worlds peace cannot be separated. So, before the outbreak of the world war China did not think of shifting her responsibility towards international peace, and after the world war started, China never expected to reduce her burden in it. During these seven years we have destroyed the aggressive position and arrogant ambition of our enemy, [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough] of divid [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] ing the world equally between him and his comrades. From now on China will continue her efforts, together with the Allies, to eradicate completely all secret schemes and actual strength of our enemy Japan and his Axis partners, lest they should disturb the peace of the world again.