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The reason for the fact that the enemy could not push forward with all his strength in any direction to accomplish his duty in the so-called"Great East Asia Strategy" was the longlasting period of Resistance in China. Understandin this, it is clear that the resistance war of China has been hampering one of the most cruel robbers in the world. China has taken part of the most important burden of our Allies and it will generally be recognized how great the contribution made by this resistance war of China,has been. 
The fact,that the Resistance war of China is the vanguard of the worlds anti-aggressive front has thus been proved. 
To say a word about the objects of our Resistance war: China is not only fighting for the independence of the country and the existence of the nation but [[underlined]] also for the unseparable world peace and justice. Since the start of the nation but also for the unseparable world peace and justice. Since the start of the resistance war these two are great objects have been decided upon. We know that the world peace is not separable,so we can see from the griefs and joys,from the partings and meetings of the powers,that the international front of anti-aggression will be formed at last. We still know better that the world justice can never be rubbed out,so we can see from the hardships and obstacles of our allied nations that the brutal force will fail in the end. The independence of the country and the national existence of China will be obtained at the same time with victory of justice and world peace and the freedom of mankind. These are the objects of our Resistance war.
Although [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] our strength has been increasing since the beginning of this resistastance war,the enemy still stays within our borders. We still have to make our last and greatest effort to get back to our lost territory and rescue our countrymen. Until this has been achieved,we cannot speak of real freedom or independence of the nation. Today the power of the Allied Nations is strong enough to convert their defensive attitude into an offensive one , The symptoms of failure on the enemy's side are easily to be recognized. The light of victory of our Resistance war is already in sigh and the achievement of independence and freedom gives China a still heavier responsibility towards the world.