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Recently the situation of the whole world war has changed greatly in favor of the Allied Nations. Hitler failed again and again in the East and lost Rome in the South. Since the allied invasion in the west he has to deal with a three front war, which will never have any chance of victory. We can prophezise now already, that the end of the european war will not be delayed for long. In a situation like this our enemy, Japan, knows that disadvantage is on her side. Mussolini surrendered and Hitler is going the same way and the japanese position in the Pacific is weakening every day. She cannot wait for death to come, so she is making her last effort, trying to go on by her own strength. We can see the Allied power [[strikethrough]] grow [[/strikethrough]] is growing stronger and stronger in the Pacific. The shortage of ships is becoming more and more serious for the enemy, with the threat of the bombers from above and the submarines in the sea. The enemy knows that he cannot possibly hold all the invaded [[strikethrough]] countries; but [[/strikethrough]] territories and the loss of superiority in the air and oversea means greatest disaster for the japanese soldier abroad [[strikethrough]], means broken [[/strikethrough]] Because one day the communications between the homeland and the occupied areas might be broken. MacArthur is having success after success and the day of an allied attack on japanese homeland is nearing. To prepare a way of retreat the enemy has recently signed a contract with Russia, giving back the oil and coal concessions in Sakhalin, which, according to the original agreement would have expired in 26 years. Thus the russian-japanese relations will be softened. After having made sure, that Russia did not[[strikethrough]]i[[/strikethrough]] intend to enter the Pacific war just now, Japan drew her best land army from the three eastern provinces of China and started a big-scale attack in central and south China, with the intention to get control over the Peiping-Hankow and Hankow-Canton railway. The first aim seems to have been successful temporally, the second is going on just now. We better do not talk about the results of these attacks right now, for the coming events will prove them. Anyhow we can say, that these attacks have more defensive than aggressive character and the initiative is on[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] the allied side.

If the enemy fails, all japanese possessions in the south Pacific might be cut