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survivors - 50,000,000 people/almost half the population of the United States, picking up their few belongings and moving more than 1500 miles to the west into Free China to build themselves new homes again and to continue to fight for the right to live free from tyranny and oppression.
When war came, China was just emerging from medieval ages to which the last dynasty held her. She had less than 10,000 adequately trained doctors to administer to a population of more than 450,000,000. Hospitals were few and most of them were mission hospitals along the coast in the large cities. When the coastal cities fell into the hands of the enemy these hospitals were naturally put beyond the reach of Free China. Thus, from almost the beginning of the war, China might be said to have been medically helpless.
Nor was this all. I want to underscore the destruction of our great factories and mills on the coast. In effect we lost our New York-Pittsburgh-Newark and [[strike through]] Toledo [[/strike through]] and other important cities.
Ninety percent of our industrial capacity has been destroyed or immobilized. But our people saved more than 400,000 tones of heavy machinery. They carried it by hand on their backs over thousands of miles into the interior of Free China. This equipment is now set up in camouflaged huts, caves and workshops, and is playing a big part in China's economic reconstruction and in giving work to thousands of refugees. Under the industrial cooperating movement.
In addition eleven of the thirteen Christian colleges, which the American people have established, were driven from their campuses. Students and teachers loaded themselves with books and equipment and joined the great trek thousands of miles to the west. It was as though Columbia and Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania and your other great eastern schools had moved to Colorado to carry on their work. Today these schools have fourteen