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$10,000 will establish a technical school for mechanics; $15,000 will supply wheat seed for 9,000 farmers, enabling them to raise a crop to support their families and return the loan for the benefit of other farmers.
   It is obvious that if a dollar can do so much, a hundred or a thousand dollars can do a hundred or a thousand times more. Allow me to tell you that if you are responding to this appeal, you are also helping in other ways. For your help will be interpreted as also an expression of your good will and your sympathy. 

   China is like the little boy my mother wrote to me about a few weeks ago from China. This is what she said: A shivering little boy of about nine years of age came to our house today, crying. When I asked him what was the matter he blurted out all in a string of exclamations: "I am hungry, my mother died of hunger, my father is dead in a bombing raid, my grandfather died last week, and when I awoke this morning, my uncle was dead from starvation in the same bed I sleep in. Please help me, for I don't have any food and there isn't any one else but you." That is China today --- desolate, hurt, starving, beset by foes and looking to America for help in her most desperate hour of need.


these are the things new China asks for
Medical supplies, that men   may lives--
Books, that men may gain understanding
& the out stretched hand of a friendship 
that men may have hope &  faith to carry on.