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the puppet at Nanking is the most hated man in China, and the most discredited man in the world. That is not all. China not only can defend herself against all odds but has also built up during this period, a new social economic and industrial system. While the bombs were raining over them, Chinese industries moved hundreds of miles into the interior. In the midst of gigantic battles China's universities migrated to safer ground. Nowhere in China are the phrases Kau-Chan [[Hanzi]] "defend the country" and Chien-Kuo "rebuild the nation" separately mentioned. When a people can think of rebuilding at a time when defense measures would naturally occupy their sole attention, I say this people cannot be conquered.

The area now being rapidly developed stretches over 4,900,000 sq. kl. and has a population of about one hundred million. It produces some of the most important items of China's export trade, such as Tung oil, bristles, tea, tin, hides, tungsten and antimony. Besides being rich in agricultural products and forest reserves, Free China exports also the region where oil, copper and other precious metal are centered. There are over 700 factories in this region at the present time producing goods which vary from shoes for the children to field pieces for the army and the process of industrial development is ever-intensifying from day to day.

A country which can do all these things while resisting an armed invasion deserves your help. But I think China deserves your help for another reason. May I humbly submit that the forces of militarism and the totalitarianism are [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] very contagious things. When one dictator country starts an invasion of a friendly neighbor and gets away with it, there is bound to be an imitation by other dictator countries in other parts of the world. At this moment you are familiar with a history of world tragedy as induced by one umbrella. I am thinking that, had the force of destruction been checked in [[strikethrough]] the steppes of [[/strikethrough]] Manchuria, we might yet have with us the glory that was France.

Now your country is intensively rearming for defense. Billions and billions of dollars have already been appropriated for a two-ocean navy and the Burke-Wadsworth bill is now in effect to provide for the first compulsory military service in peace time. Mightn't all this have been avoided had the statesman of the world had a little

Transcription Notes:
if someone can get the Unicode for the Hanzi written, that would be great