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Ladies and Gentlemen of the National Wholesale Druggist's Association:

I appreciate  the welcome you have given me. When I was a little girl I heard of the friendliness and hospitality of the American people, after I have lived here in America for a few years I found that all that I heard was true. Today after the welcome given to me by you ladies and gentlemen I am all the more convinced.

In this beautiful surrounding of White Sulphur Springs and standing in front of this illustrious gathering, I would rather talk to you if I can of the beauty of West Virginia or the life and love of the Chinese people or anything pleasant, but I am afraid my heart is too heavy to talk to you on these things, as you know my country is still at war.

As you no doubt know, China is in her fifth year of her defense against aggression. Today she is one of the three remaining valiant fighters against unprovoked attack. The Chinese spirit is undiminished and the Chinese morale unbroken in spite of years of suffering although we have lost important territories and suffered tremendous casualties. Japan is still in control of the transportation routes; and most of the cities known to you as educational or cultural centers have been either completely demolished or occupied by the invader. of all the 111 colleges.

On September 1937 only two months after Japan started her invasion, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek declared that the war struck strategy of China should be resistance and reconstruction. He realized, even then, that to rid our fatherland of the enemy is not enough unless there is an extensive program of reconstruction. Today China fights on. She is weakening her enemy, she is daily becoming stronger herself, and while fighting with one hand, she is building herself into a modern nation with the other. We have build more rail rd, highway, open up our mines  inducted cooperatic. 

During these four and a half years, while China fights gallantly on, many a stronger nation in Europe as well as in other continents have been sacrificed