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sacrifice, the Chinese have shown that they can unite as possibly no other people can.
     It was no accident,that China was the frist Asiatic nation to overthrow the monarchy and develop a democratic political philosophy of its own. For twenty one centuries there has been going on in China a steady process of democratization. Our philosophical and educational tradition teaches that with education there is [[strikethrough]] always [[/strikethrough]] noclass and that rebellion against tyrannical goverment is always justifiable.
  Chinas blueprint for political freedom.
China has been a Republic since 1911. Sun Yat sen, father of the revolution which overthrew the Manchus, laid down three principles to serves as bases for the government of the new republics Nationalism, Democracy, the Peoples livelihood. China, Dr. Sun reasoned, must become a strong united nation frist of all, because until this was achieved, the second step, democracy, could not be brought about: and no democracy can be firmly grounded unless it provides economic security for all. 
Here talk of grandmothers and fathers active support of revolution which established China as a great Republic.

In the thirty years since the founding of the Republic, her progress toward the political ideals of her founder has had many stormy interludes: various factions have vied for leadership, and civil war, sometimes encouraged and financed by interested foreign powers, have kept the country in turmoil. Dr. Sun foresaw, how ever that the road will not be, and he envisioned