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Sept. 14, 1941

I am happy and privileged on this occasion to join with others [[crossed out]] in the [[/crossed out]] Association [[crossed out]] known as Friends of China [[/crossed out]] whose purpose it is to raise funds in order to feed the hungry and destitute of valiant China which country today is being subjected to the ruthlessness and barbarism of the aggressor nation Japan. When Dr. Hubert Pocock and the famous Chinese patriot and aviatrix Miss Lee Ya Ching visited my office at the Parliament Buildings, Friday, I not only readily acquiesed to the request that I should join in this appeal but I further suggested as a member of the committee I should be only too happy to cooperate in every way in order to further this humanitarian effort. The appeal I make, therefore, is to the citizens of Ontario to join in an effort to raise sufficient funds with which to purchase much need materials, particularly medical supplies, for the millions of Chinese who are victims of the aggressor. Under ordinary circumstances one would hesitate to make an appeal at a time when the citizens of Canada are being taxed and even harrassed by so many organizations seeking to carry on our own war effort. This occasion, however, lends itself to serious consideration from two entirely seaparate points of view. China, the land of mystery, the peaceful nation which has maintained its culture since the days of Confucius, was without provocation viciously attacked some years ago at a time when the nation was entirely unprepared to defend itself from modern mthods of attack. Hence we witness the ruthless bombing of Chinese cities, as a consequence of which millions of people were rendered homeless, many were maimed, crippled and killed while the civilized world looked on