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U.S.A., the greatest of all humanitarians, has publicly endorsed the cause of China and even there, as in Canada, although his vital production lines have been persistently and seriously interrupted by senseless labor strikes causing irreparable loss, he has seen fit to divide with China a share of the much needed supplies now available for Great Britain where every plane, tank, ship and gun may be the means of saving British, Canadian and Empire lives and property. [[handwritten X]] In Canada, the organization [[strikethrough]] known as Friends of China [[/strike through]] behind the Chinese relief fund has as its honorary chairman, Dr. A. J. Brace, prominently identified with the Y.M.C.A. of Canada, Dr. Hubert Pocock, chairman of the executive committee, with whom is associated Percy R. Gardiner, well-known financier and philanthropist of Ontario; However, the committee members cannot do this job alone and I therefore extend an invitation to all who are interested to write to the chairman of the committee or to me at the Parliament Buildings suggesting ways and means that our objective may be accomplished. Ontario has patriotically responded to all appeals of a similar kind and has not yet fallen down. [[handwritten X]] I recall speaking on a national hook-up when the Greeks were putting up their gallant defense against overwhelming forces of the Nazi powers and I am sure that even now those who responded so well (and there were many) do not regret that they were helpful in providing funds [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] with which those in charge were able to send to the heroic Greeks much needed medical supplies while they held the line and gave the unprepared allies a much needed breathing space. This present situation provides a striking parallel case and those of us in Canada with thousands of miles of exposed Pacific coastline should express in a tangible way our deep-felt gratitude and while rendering to them this assistance to which they are justly entitled we can say to Miss Lee that

[[right margin]] X any cheques [[checks]] for the fund will be accepted at any branch office of the [[?]] savings banks [[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
I can't decipher the writing on the side of the paper, can anyone help with that?