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Form AB-AE-21

All natives, citizens, denizens or subjects of any foreign nation or government with which war has been declared, who are 14 years of age and older, and who are within the United States and who have not fully acquired United States citizenship, are required to apply at specified post offices for a Certification of Identification. 
Such Certificates are to contain the alien's photograph and must thereafter be carried by the person to whom issued.
Those who do no comply with these requirements are subject to severe penalties.
The Certification of Identification will be a protection to you and will facilitate matters in connection with travel and other permits, passes, and exemptions which may, from time to time, be granted to individual persons in accordance with rules and regulations. The Certificate will serve different purposes than the Alien Registration Receipt Card heretofore issued to you. 
In filing the Application for Certificate of Identification, you are merely giving current information concerning yourself and are complying with necessary war-time requirements of the United States Government. You are also giving evidence of your peaceful disposition and of your desire to cooperate and to conform to the laws of the United States. 
These are the steps required of you: 
(1) Look up to your Alien Registration Receipt Card at once, You must have it, to avoid delay, when you apply for a Certificate of Identification. If you do not have it, write immediately to Alien Registration Division, Washington, D.C., stating (a) whether you lost it or never had one, and (b) your nationality and present address and where you registered -- whether in the United States or outside the United States at a Consular Office or as a seaman. 
(2) Study the back of this notice. It shows the information you must have in order to file your application. Write out, or have someone write for you, the names, dates, places, or facts you will need.
(3) Obtain three unmounted photographs of yourself, with light background, 2 by 2 inches in size, on thin paper. These photographs must be taken not more than 30 days prior to presenting your application, and must be clearly show a front view of the face without hat. Take the photographs with you when you go to the post office to make application for your Certificate of Identification.
(4) During such period you as will be publicized in the press and on the radio, go to the first- or second-class or county-seat post office [[italics]]nearest your place of residence[[/italics]], taking with you the items mentioned in (1), (2), and (3). Be sure to go to the post office even if you do not have your Alien Registration Receipt Card. You may take a member of your family or a friend with you. If you cannot write, take someone with you who writes plainly. If you cannot get such a person, there will be clerks at the post office to help you with your application. But you must have the required information. You will be given application forms to fill out at the post office.
(5) Your Certificate of Identification must be delivered to you personally at your residence address unless different instructions are given at the post office. Cooperate in every way possible with the post-office carrier to facilitate delivery and acceptance.
These requirements should involve no expense to you except for the photographs. It is not necessary to pay any person or organization to assist you. The Government, through its post offices, will assist you as much as possible. Complete instructions and official regulations may be examined at the post office where you file your application.
Act early to file your Application for a Certificate of Identification. Then be sure to obtain your Certificate of Identification.
[[italics]]Attorney General.[[/italics]]
Special Assistant to the Attorney General.