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[[Strikethrough]] AN AMERICAN GROUP 69 SEVENTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y.[[Strikethrough]]

30 East 14th St.
New York, N.Y.
January 2, 1942

United States Attorney
Federal Building
Foley Square
New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir:
I am a Japanese alien, resident in the United States since 1906. My registration number is 1107950. I am a well-known painter. I have been invited by the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, located at Philadelphia, to serve on a jury of five artists to select paintings submitted by other artists for inclusion in the annual exhibition of paintings which is to open at the Academy this month. By the terms of the invitation I am to go to Philadelphia on January 7 for two days.
I read in todays paper of the regulation requiring me to notify your office of my proposed trip one week in advance and of the necessity of obtaining your authorization to any such trip. Accordingly I am notifying you herewith of the trip mentioned herein, although strictly speaking I shall have to leave within less than a week of the time of this notification.
I propose to travel by the Pennsylvania Railroad, leaving Penn. station on Wednesday, January 7 and to return by the same railroad on Friday, January 9.
Would you be good enough to grant me your authorization for the proposed trip.

Respectfully yours,