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Office Supt. of Education, B.R.F. & AL.
Raleigh, Sept. 13, 1866.

Capt. J. F. Curren,
Asst. Supt. Sub-Dist. Johnston, B.R.F. & A.L.

I have the honor to request that you will do me the favor to inform me what preparations are made or can be made, in Smithfield for a Freedmen's school for the school-year commencing in October next. Is the new building, the colored people have been erecting, completed? If so, what are its dimensions, and what, its condition? Is it tight enough to be comfortable in cold weather? Can it be had free of rent? If not, what amount will be necessary to pay the rent? What if any, for improvements and the proper furnishing of the house? Three teachers, I suppose, will be needed there — as last year. Can they obtain board at some suitable place? If so, can you inform me on what terms? If you will have the kindness to answer these questions, as far as you can conveniently obtain the necessary information, as also other questions in the accompanying circular, you will confer a great favor upon me personally and essentially aid the cause of 

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