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Office of the Supt. of Education, B.R.F.& A.L.
Raleigh, N.C. Nov. 14. 1866.

Capt. Jos. F. Curren,
Asst. Supt. B.R.F.& A.L.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 11th inst. I sent, a few weeks since, a line to the New Eng. Soc. requesting them to supply Smithfield with teachers as they did last year. They declined so doing on account of the low state of their funds. Since then I have written to the Amer. Min. Assoc. making the same request. When I hear from the latter I will communicate with you again. I congratulate you on the completion of the school-house, and will cheerfully do all I can to secure teachers. In regard to rent I would recommend to you to apply, at your earliest convenience, directly to the Asst. Commiss'r at Raleigh. I presume there will be no doubt about your obtaining it.
Thanking you for your kind offer of future aid to the school and your past valuable services, I remain

Very respectfully
Your obt. servt.
F.A. Fiske
Supt of Education, B.R.F.& A.L.

Rec'd Nov 16/66

Transcription Notes:
Capitalize "new" in New Eng. Put periods after "Obt" and "Servt"