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Feby 9th 1867.

Rebecca Bridges
To D.T. Moore Dr

Jany 1st   One Hoopskirt  25/-     2.50
Jany 1st   One pr Shoes  32/6      3.25
Jany 1st   3 yds Domestic  4/6     1.35
Feby 4th   10 yds Calico  4/6      4.50
Feby 4th   one Handkf  7/6          .75
Feby 4th   one Pr Hose  10/-       1.00
April 1st  10 yds Calico 4/-       4.00
May        1 Pr Shoes  50/-        5.00
June       one Hat  15/-           1.50
Jany  one years wages deducted    12 00
Decr. 15th  One Pair shoes 25/-    2 50

I certify that the above is a true acct of Rebecca Bridges Acct. 
Feby 9th 1867

D.T. Moore