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my children & you will ever oblige. Colonel let me hear from you at the earlyest opportunity whethar I can hold my children or not, crop season is now on hand & I should like to have them in my employ to earn me wages & a support. I am a culored person as I told you, that has always ben free & looks very hard that I should not have controll of my children like others undar the presant existing circumstances.

Mr T D Snead that is contending for my children did not raise them. He contends that he had them bound to him the first year of the war

Yours Respectfully
Betsy Powel

Po My Post office is 
Smithfield Depot 
Johnston Co
No Ca

Transcription Notes:
Writing along bottom of letter not transcribed as it looks to be the right side edge of a different communication/letter, possibly included in another file.