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freedmen for labor, at low wages. And when reminded of their promises they insolently defy me to get what they faithfully promised to pay begging my lenience. In two other cases the parties having adjusted their matters before me, I granted the balances due the freedmen to be put into notes collectable before civil authorities, as the defendants in either case readily acknowledged their indebtedness, and manifest great anxiety to get out of the "Bureau hands". In these cases the debtors, as in many instances not adjusted before me, are resolved not to pay untill sued — and then the civil authorities seem to assist them in avoiding the payment of just debts.

Enclosed I transmit a note in which T.H. Sasser was sued, and judgement for costs of suit rendered against plt'ff Smith Brooks (freedman)  In this latter case the Df'dt when sued stated before the Magistrate that I forced him by threats to sign this note, and thus by perjury hopes to avoid the payment of a just debt. While the facts of the case are that s'd Sasser refused to appear at this office untill arrested and brought before me, he then in the most complaisant and humble manner begged for extension of time to enable him to pay without sacrifice this debt, having rendered judgement as per statement on enclosed copy of A/C I allowed the Df'dt & Pltff to adjust the matter satisfactorily between them, and without threats or direction on my part I wrote for the Pltff the note which Mr Sasser of his own volition signed. It is probable that before the Superior Court at March term this note might be collectable, but the freedman anxious to avoid courts of law (to them a farce in suits entered by them) has returned the note to me, and I with great respect refer these cases to you for your direction

I am Colonel
your Ob'dt Srvt
J. F. Curren
2nd Lt. V.R.C. Asst. Supt

Col. M. Cogswell
Supt. Ctrl Dist.
Bu. R.F. & A.L. Raleigh N.C.