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Clayton NC
Apr 30th 67
Capt Currin
Please excuse my familiarity and can only urge in extenuation business relations. I enclose application Disch &c for your consideration hoping it may meet your approval Should it not be made in proper form I would feel under obligations if you would advise me of the proper form. The application of Mr. Hill also accompanies mine. He certainly has been & is an uncompromising union man I have been personally acquainted with him for 18 months and I know him to be every way qualified for the position. This application will be made for such position in any part of the State and not confined to this County. I have also numerous recommends from federal [[strikethrough]] character [[/strikethrough]] commanders under whom I have served. You will please retain commissions & discharge until I can hear from you. Please address me at this place at your earliest convenience. Rest ever assured of my kindest regards that whatever efforts you may deem proper to make in our behalf shal be full appreciated and thankfully received.

I have the honor to be
Your most Obt Servt
U.G. Gallion