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Elkton Ky Mch 17th/6

Maj. Genl. C.B. Fisk
Dr Sir
Yours of 6th Mch to hand with EB Edwards letter enclosed the boy George Crabb was not found until last Monday.
The facts in the case are these the boy George was proven to be over 14 years old & objected to being bound out at all! he told us that if he has to be bound until he was 20 years old he wanted to be bound to EB Edwards After inquiring into the case I went to G Crabb & demonstrated against the whole proceedings telling him there was no necessity for binding him out because he was a sprightly boy & doing well without Mr Edwards & makeing more than a supp. I also gave him to understand that he would get himself in a difficulty if he persisted in the course he was - pursuing. he G Crabb want to leave & have